We went into town today!


New member
*Context* - skip this paragraph for the success story

My dog is a 11month, Wolfhound X Catahoula mix. We got him in May and he had never been off the stockyard, literally no socialisation, hadn't seen a leash before and came to us as a 'blank slate' in terms of commands. Using a clicker we've worked on basic obedience and counter conditioning, and he can now sit, lie down, walk in a semi heel (Unless we spot a dog lol) We're focusing on recall and 'stay' at the moment.

My lad is a bigggg boy (40+kgs) and since he is intact he tends to set off other dogs who bark and lunge on walks and it has been a struggle trying to redirect his attention.

I have been nervous to put him in situations around other dogs since while he gets along fine for the most part With our 5year old male Dalmatian at home, but he can display dominant body language with other dogs and his play style is very rough and tumble. My aunties female boxer came around for a play and they were excellent together (taking turns to chase and wrestle ect) But since his recall is non-existent with other dogs and he seems to have no social cues to 'back off' - I'm worried he might get into an altercation. I'd describe his attitude towards other dogs as "he won't start a fight but he sure as shit will finish it"

He isn't food motivated so clicker training has been paired with toys and praise and today I felt we were ready to try an outing into town. He has only been into the main street of our (admittedly small country town) twice, and both times we drove there to go into the pet store. Today we walked past multiple dogs, we went into the groomers- which was full with pups and I was very nervous, we went into the pet store, and we sat in the park and did some LAD training briefly before coming home. Not once did he pull, lunge, or bark at another dog, or display any signs he was overwhelmed by the people and traffic! It was our most stress free and successful outing ever and I am beyond proud of his progress


-using a front clip harness!!!! I can block his view of any potential triggers and do a quick U-turn if he starts to focus on a dog.

-finding alternate sources of reinforcement. I tried hand feeding all his meals on training walks (6 cups a day- my bag will never smell the same hahah) we tried kong easy treat, deli meat, cheese, steak cubes- e v e r y t h I n g and he would just spit it out on walks. Switching to verbal praise and his favourite toys as reinforcement made the world of difference. Some dogs just aren't food motivated and thats okay

-Lowering expectations/ slowing my pace. My pup was isolated with no company for the majority of his life, and before that he was given up as a puppy because he didn't have the "gameness" to be a pig-dog. I cant imagine what his first months were like and I cant expect him to have all his dog social cues and reactivity under control. It'll probably be a long time before we can sit outside of a cafe without him jumping into my lap and knocking me over (true story) because a truck passed us, or whining and pulling incessantly because he saw another dog.

-Being aware of my own reaction and tone. Idc how insane I must look, I keep up a almost constant stream of praise and chatter when we go for a walk. Keeping my voice upbeat and just talking to my dog while we pass triggers made such a difference to his reaction and helps keep him calm and focused on me.
@barcvilla that's awesome work! congratz!

we too are very far from being able to sit at a cafe haha...its one of my dog's triggers (we was attacked while stationary) so it's not a huge loss though if he never gets to that point again. i lowered my expectations too & worked on it slow and steady....

i also talk to my dog like a nutter like you do!.... I've stopped caring entirely, actually some owners with other untrained dogs have passed by before and seemed pretty impressed. ive had gawkers but i pay em no mind!
@bef cheers! :)

I really didn't think we would get to this point so quickly, or at all tbh. Off leash pocket pooches will continue to be the bane of our existence, but its rly wonderful to see the progress and watch my dog gain confidence and experience so many new things he never had the opportunity to do before.

Next area that requires some work is the separation anxiety :/ As much as I love my velcro dog I also really appreciate being able to shower with some privacy lol

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