We Finally Went to a Veterinary Behaviorist, Here's How it Went

@hammer118928 Hi! We live in the same state - I’m also about two hours from Tampa in Gainesville. Would you mind sharing the behaviorist you went to? I’m working with a reactive foster dog and want to make an appointment with a behaviorist. Your success story gives me hope for my little rambunctious Australian Cattle Dog!
@hammer118928 This is fantastic! Congratulations on such a successful, monumental step in your journey with your boy Odin. I can relate to the relief of finding a care provider who your dog not just tolerates but actively likes and engages.

And thank you for not only sharing some info about NAC, but also providing a link to the study! I’m looking forward to nerding out this evening with some ‘light’ reading. 🤣

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