We did! Hallelujah! We SLEPT through the night!

@firoz Yay! Congrats! My 16wo did the same today! Aahhh! So happy. 10pm-5am! Best record before this morning was 5.5 hours about a week ago!

Makes me think his “accidents” aren’t really accidents and 100% purposeful :p
@mian195 Haha. Ours only had 3 accidents inside total in 5ish weeks. 2 were our fault, we thought that the other person had taken her out. 1 we had guests and she got so excited she peed in the foyer.
@firoz Congratulations!!! Can only go up from here🥰 But remember a step backwards isn't failing, it'd working towards a leap forward. It was SUCH a relief when this happened for us. At 7m we had a weird regress and 2am potty for weeks. But then 8m, back to "normal" and sleeping in better.
@roseonathorn Yeah. She’s definitely teething and testing limits as she grows. So lots to learn, but at least i feel like its possible now. It felt like this day would never come.
@firoz Congratulations!!! That first full night of sleep is almost magical.

Not sure if you already do this, but we were able to help our pup last through the night by taking up her water about an hour before bedtime and a potty trip right before she goes in her crate for the night. We did this at about 10 weeks old and it worked like a charm. Instantly everyone got way more sleep. Now she’s about 15 weeks and we don’t have to restrict anymore, she can hold it through the night on her own.
@shell369 Happy Cake day! And Yes we’ve been doing this since week 9, but those early days it didn’t really matter, we were going to be every hour or two. But it’s slowly building. I normally take her pee. Then play for 5 minutes then inside to calm down then in the crate. I don’t want her to associate peeing at night with end of play time, but i might be too paranoid about this.
@firoz The best (and worst?) part is, if she starts barking anytime between within those 12 hours, it’s absolutely an emergency without fail and she’s sick to her stomach or something

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