Victor dog food recall - seems extreme?


New member
So my dog has ate victor dog food for about two years and I just heard about the recall. I checked the current bag I have and its exp date is in 09-2024 so it has been recalled. My dog has been eating this particular 60lb bag of food for 6 weeks now. Before people come for me, I will still follow the recall recommendations even though this food has not shown any signs of contamination and my dog (nor anyone in my home) has become ill.

However I have to say the recall seems a bit…excessive. The CDC released info about what brought this decision. It’s a total of 7 cases of salmonella across the country, 6 of which are in babies that tend to put yucky things in their mouth, with one outlier case in someone over 65 years old. There’s been no deaths. Only 5 of these cases had contact with a dog, and of those, only 3 reported use of victor dog food brand.

Now this did result in testing that does not look good for victor dog food. There was salmonella in the dog food that closely matched the strain of the 7 cases across the country. So I understand the recall, but it also feels a bit extreme. There’s no reports of if dogs have been sick or hurt (the primary species that ingests the product in question). These 7 cases were spread out over 9 months and 7 states. In that time most dogs go through at least a few bags of dog food. This means that if we are directly tying the dog food to the salmonella cases, then there has been active salmonella in dog food for nearly a year. Meaning, thousands of dog food bags were ingested did not cause any issues. To have only 7 cases of illness and cause an entire wipe out of ALL the products of multiple brands just seems…excessive.

And to reiterate: I will be following the recommendations of the recall. I don’t take chances on my dog’s life. With a recall this massive, I just felt that there would have maybe been more reason to justify it. I question the necessity of widespread recall, and I was wondering if any others felt the same?
@pioneer3mm I don't think it's extreme at all. It's a good thing they recalled it all. They are working to fix the issue.

My main concern is why nothing was done sooner. There were reports of pets getting sick earlier this year while eating Victor. I believe some people got sick as well. This has been going on for a while and they just now did something about it. I've always felt iffy about the brand, so at least I have a better reason to avoid it.
@hogynllan I think they could just be more transparent about what exactly the issue is. That’s why I felt the recall was extreme. There isn’t a lot of information about the reasoning for the recall other than the same few sentences being repeated by various new sources. It feels like a lot of “hush hush” 😔
@pioneer3mm I work at a retailer that sold Victor and we had several people come in and tell us their dog got sick from several different types of the Classic line, across the different sizes. We gave refunds to ANYONE who brought their Victor back to us. This recall was absolutely necessary.
@pioneer3mm I get a kick out of all the ignorant people posting the "Victor made my dog sick". It's a HUMAN pathogen folks. Dogs and Cats can be CARRIERS of Salmonella, but they don't get sick. If Skippy got the scoots after Victor it was not Salmonella. This recall is all based on the HUMAN contraction of Salmonella. Canine digestive tracts are too short and their stomach acid is too acidic to allow the bacteria to flourish. So it's more likely Skippy just had a typical "my food changed" case of the scoots, or maybe they ate a acorn in the yard. If Skippy ate Victor and licked your face, or your hands, or you didn't wash yours after you fed him then made a sandwich and YOU nearly died... it's Victor's fault. No matter what you feed your dog E. Coli, Salmonella and other food born pathogens are always a risk. Heck YOUR food is JUST as risky. Learn safe food prep, general hygiene and practice it whether you feed your dog Victor, Purina, Nulo or Tyson's boneless chicken. WASH People... and stop letting your dog lick your baby's face. We feed our dogs raw and treat every meal as if it is tainted.
@22absolutefreedom22 I’m sorry your dog was sick! I hope you know my post wasn’t meant to deny that the food was making dogs sick. I truly just couldn’t find real information about how dogs were being affected by the recalled dog food
@faithvideos I also switched to Purina pro after recall. Her bathroom trips don’t seem as easy as they were when she was on Victor :/ but she’s still a puppy and switching foods is hard.
@faithvideos Same with my dog. We got Purina pro plan and her digestive system just isn’t doing well on it. Anyone have any idea how long the FDA recommends waiting? It looks like you can place orders again for it but I want to be certain it’s safe again. Victor food improved a lot of things for my pup.
@pioneer3mm I thought we may lose our dog from this food. It wad days before I realized (thanks for the delay, Amazon) it was recalled. I had COVID so I was delayed getting him to the vet a day or so because of of my fever. He lost 10lbs in 8 days, feverish, would not eat, and was pooping blood by the time we got him in. He's been on Metronidazole and steroids. After two weeks he finally seems to be doing better. He is urinating w/o control though. Not sure if that's related. I have to take him back in to recheck. He tested negative for every canine and tick born illness known. We don't do kennels, dog parks , ever. I called Vitcor and I was told to 'wait' until they figure out what they are going to refund, nothing. Amazon wont give me money back either. I'm out $500. I'm glad my dog seems to be okay and that's most important, but I'm just angry.
@idl1993 Legit having same exact issue, although was your dog still struggling throughout the first few days of meds? Ours is eating again and gained some weight but just isn’t quite herself 4 days in on metro and steroids
@clippingimage He was very bad for four days after starting metro. Then the steroids really made the turnaround as he started eating like he never the before in his life. It took two weeks before he really was back to normal, and even that's not normal as he is urinating in the house. He is drinking a ton! I'm worried and need to address this.
@idl1993 Amazon notified me the day after I read it in the news and refunded me $200. I'd call them back. I took the money and bought Orijen with it. My dogs 12 and a big boy. I can afford it for a few years.
@pioneer3mm I think it's totally wacky. That being said, I guess I had bought a lot of bags included in the recall, bc Amazon refunded me $200. I'd been feeding my 12 Rhodesian ridgeback mix the max pro lately but have used this brands varieties for years. Since bubba's getting up there, I'm switching to Orijen. If I get the 26 lb bag it's only a buck more a pound and he devoured it. Even the cats have been in the dogs food and they've never done that. Good thing with my big fat refund I've got Orijen coming for them too soon