Very - VERY SAD - watch out for these symptoms


New member
2 weeks ago I lost suddenly my best companion and pal. He was only just 9 years old. According to the doctor he had rapidly developed cancer in his stomach and liver (I still cannot believe how rapid it was).It all started one and a half week before him passing away. He stopped eating for 2 days, although his energy levels remained at a lower but not lethargic state. Then he became his old self as if nothing happened... He started eating normally, playing and enjoying life. That lasted another 2 days. Then, he stopped eating for 1 day this time. Then came back to normal for 2-3 days. Until he stopped eating again for 3 days. Please note that all the other bodily functions were fine. Mind you in his "not eating" state he always had a crave for treats... It was Friday afternoon, that I decided to call the vet and book an appointment for full check up on Monday. However, on Saturday morning when I woke up, I found out that he had serious diarrhea and most importantly he was extremely weak with very heavy breathing.I grabbed him immediately and took him to the vet. He had high fever (41.5 C), he had blood tests which all came out ok (!!!) and he was prepared for ultra sound checks of his internals. While on the bench, lots of blood came out of his nose and mouth and that was it!!! - I lost him out of thin air. I just can't believe it!So, please be aware of the above symptoms - not eating can be a good sign of a serious problem, which in my case I chose to ignore for some time... and I am beating myself for it! Cherish your companions...
@unicorns26 Never ignore symptoms of you can. I know it can be costly with possibly unneeded vet visits and they may have just sent you home with medication or something but always air on the side of caution.

Here is my story. Bear was only 7. He was trying to poop but nothing was coming. I thought maybe he was constipated a bit so I gave him something to help with that but it didn’t do anything really. Next day we took him to the vet, they thought it was probably the same thing, indigestion or constipation or something like that. They said they could do X-rays to look or stronger medications. Since he didn’t like vets to begin with and it would be very expensive to do x rays I said we’d try the medication. The following day he was drinking water and had an appetite but still no poop. I took him in again the next morning and they did the x rays and his intestines were twisted. There was too much damage to repair them.
I hate myself for not doing the x rays when I had the chance and it’s enough to make me cry writing this.

Never wait if you can, money doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
I don’t want anyone to feel like this.
@tpham0716 Ugh that really sucks, i'm sorry. He was stunning! Also to others with younger GSDs look into health insurance. Even if you can only get reimbursed other than direct payment its still better than not getting anything back. My last GSD cost me 10k in various surgeries etc over the years. With my new pup I made sure to get it on day 2, even using a reputable breeder.

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