Very bad MinPin Breath (HeLp!)


New member
I have a Mini Pinscher mix girl from Spain for about 1.5 years. Since then she has always had really bad breath. Sometimes it's just food odor, but often it smells almost like decay, quite often even (in the morning) like iron or metal. At the routine check-up this year, the vet said that everything was OK and she was fit. She smacks her lips several times a day and then it smells particularly bad. What could she have? I'm trying to change her diet and only give her home-cooked food (rice, vegetables, chicken etc.). Also she has very good teeth with actually no stains at all and her mouth looks totally fine. If it would be the kidney, she would behave different and not that fit and happy.

She came from an animal shelter, is now around 3.5 years old and very lively. She loves to play, eat and sleep. She is very, very affectionate, we love her dearly, but the smell is killing me.

Have u had experiences with this?

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