[Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

@nokhue Well he's one that I had up before, but took down while the legal action was going on as I wasn't sure what level of retaliation I might face. However, I know that they know who I am, where I live, and have got my photo off facebook so I don't think it matters any more. This is us on the night I made the original post:
He's such a handsome boy, and he's also put on a slight bit of weight and got a bit more sheen to his fur.

EDIT: And the one I posted before of us on the car ride home (roughly 2000 miles)
@endofrope They had an amateur meth lab and illegal firearms. I took photo's and sent them to both the NT Police, WA police, and the AFP. I know (from getting a very unpleasant phone call) that police did show up in a helicopter a few days after my report. I am not worried about legal trouble, just if they are unhappy that they lost a couple of ruger 22's, a mini 14, and their bikie brew bathtub meth set-up...

EDIT: It's in the original thread if you want more details :)
@jellofishxo Some cultures see animals as objects, just like a source of entertainment like a gameboy or an x-box and you do whatever you play whatever games you want with them, as long as you are entertained.

What is even worse, some of these cultures don't even respect such possessions and don't treat them carefully, figuring that when they break it (when, not if) they'll just get another one and start again.

That attitude might be fine for a deck of cards or a cheapo soccer ball, but it's disgusting when applied to living creatures....
@darkevilspirit I wouldn't even torture oblects like my laptop or ipad and these sick fucks are forcing a dog to drink alcohol for entertainment and then they want to shoot it? I really want to see them get tortured and left to die.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Sadly, those people torture their objects as well... take no care of them, i.e. throw things about when angry that are either breakable (i.e. mobile phones or laptops) or throw heavy things about (i.e. cricket balls) without worrying if they hit the TV or w/e else in the room... anything that breaks was, and I loosely quote, "made like shit and was fuckin' anyway...". It's definitely not their fault their place is full of broken things....
@darkevilspirit I mean, objects are objects. TV's can't feel and they function because of the way its materials interact with electricity. I was just putting into perspective how sick some can be.

Also wanted to say you're an amazing person and I hope this dog has many good and happy years to live
@imagebeastmarkbeast I know breaking dogs are worse than TV's, and think I got what you mean. I was just elaborating that they lack personal responsibility and just don't look after things in general... like who would want people like that to have a dog? No one I'd hope... and Doggo's life should be testament to that >_
@darkevilspirit I think its really amazing that you are taking the time to rehabilitate this dog instead of just having him put down. He was probably miserable for all of his time at his former home while being forced to get drunk consistently. A whole bottle of wine is a lot for a person, let alone a dog. Its really great that he is getting this second chance at a happy life and a family.

He looks like hes much happier, and probably knows what you are doing for him. He wants to be in control of his puppy bod, and y'all are making that happen for him. Honestly this post makes me want to cry.
@rotsenibad That's such a sweet thing to say, and thank you for the compliment. I feel I'm in a great position to be able to give this guy a new life, and he seems like a 'good dog' despite his past, such as he is house trained, is completely non-aggressive (both to people and cats), he likes snuggles and wrestling but if you tell him to stop he stops... and he's just content with sitting at my feet or wrapped up in a blanket during the day when I'm working (I work from home). It wouldn't feel right NOT to try and rehabilitate this guy... and makes me sad to think that the vast majority of shelters, even ones that try and be as 'No-Kill' as possible, would have written him off and euthanised him, when to be honest it isn't even that much work I have to do... all I have to do is give him 1 pill (I just cover it in some wet dog food) and measure 50mls of cheap apple cider for him every 6 hours. Easy peasy! And going on I'll just start measuring 40mls, then 30mls, etc... it's not like I have to put in a lot of time and effort anymore. I just had to put in the inital effort to try and put together a plan and convince my friend who's a vet to help me (which wasn't too hard to convince once he met him) and then things just fell into place :)

Anyhow, I've taken a couple more photo's to show what a handsome smile he has, and one to show how he and my cat Zorro have formed a friendship bond (they will play with each other, roll around wrestling, and then go to sleep next to each other, usually during the day when I'm working and too busy to play with either of them).
