[Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!


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The Update:

Photo of him today: (updated correct link)

The treatment is going fantastically!!! From originally having 750mls of 11.5% wine a day, my new doggo only needs 200mls of 7.9% apple cider (50mls 4 times a day). This dose is enough to keep him happy, follow me around and jump around playing with my other dog, to enjoying laying on my legs, under the covers on my bed, and just doing everything that a happy dog does. He has MAJOR anxiety issues if he can’t be with me or my partner, for example just going to the shop for 2 minutes and leaving him in the yard or inside (his pick) I will come home to him whimpering and barking in a distressed manner, only to then have him to try and lick my face off when he finds I’ve returned!

Just before the time of his next dose, he often slows down and shows some signs of agitation (i.e. increased pulse rate, not interested in playing or food) but once he’s had the next ‘dose’ of cider he picks back up again fairly quickly. Despite the taper going quicker than originally it was thought he would need, there has been no signs of the SERIOUS withdrawal symptoms. Because of his livers state, we want him to be off alcohol as quick as possible (without causing more than mild withdrawal) and thus are very pleased. The vet today considers it safe for him to take a small dose of valium, to be given ‘in between’ his drinks, 4 times a day. This should help with his agitation etc.

I’m so hopeful that this will work out, because he’s fitted in with our family and other pets (indoors we have 2 cats and 1 dog) perfectly and is such a sweet guy. We’ve already bonded so closely, it’s a perfect match!

The plan from here is to try and get him down to a very low intake (60mls of 7.9% apple cider per day, given in 4 doses) within 2 weeks, and then decrease at a slower rather (1ml to 2mls per day) as often in alcoholics they can wean down to low doses without TOO much trouble from withdrawals, but ‘jumping off’ is very hard to achieve without severe withdrawals. During this time his valium dose may be increased to help with what he’s going through inside.

I'm just so glad things seem to be going so well, and that he seems so happy. His temperment also has made him slot in with our existing dog and 2 cats nicely.

EDIT: And while I don't know details, I know a number of members of the family that previously owned him and other members of the community have been arrested, with some charged with offences related to drugs and firearms. No animal cruelty to the best of my knowledge though. I know I am also not welcome to visit that branch of my family again, not that I would want to :-/

TL;DR background: A family had been feeding their dog the equivilent of 1 bottle of full strength wine (half in morning, half at night) every day for more than 6 months as they thought it was funny to see the dog be drunk and classed it as a ‘trick’ that he must do or they wouldn’t feed him. When I met these people they were getting sick of the dog due to him no longer acting drunk despite him drinking so much, and were planning on shooting him. I saved them a bullet, but the dog was physically dependent on alcohol and needed to be given some regularly to stop him from becoming agitated and eventually just laying on the floor trembling, throwing up, with a glassy stare. After some initial hesitation due to laws against giving dogs alcohol, a vet (whom is a personal friend) decided to help me treat him and gave me meds to help the dog through ‘withdrawal’ and will help assess his taper. Liver and kidney tests show he has liver impairment, but not to an extent that is irrecoverable or that is likely to falter soon. His kidneys have a mild impairment but no immediate danger, though he may have issues in his older age.
@darkevilspirit I'm so glad to hear that he's making such great progress! It was such a heartbreaking story. You and your partner have done an amazing thing. I wish you continued success going forward.
@eab_p4b Thank you! I will post an update either in a couple of weeks of if anything major happens. I don't want to spam the forum, but I kinda think this is an unusual situation and while I hope no one else goes through it, if anyone else rescues a dog with alcohol dependence it at least serves as a starting point with a) knowing the situation isn't hopeless and b) weaning with cider and low dose valium seems to 'work', at least in this instance (2mg 4 times a day, so 8mg a day total, which given humans are much more sensitive to it than dogs, is really a very small amount).
@darkevilspirit This is such a bizarre and extreme situation, I think it’s acceptable for you to post any and everything you can related to this situation in order to help anyone else who may run into something like this.

I didn’t post on your original thread as I had no advice to give, but I think about your dog and situation at least once a day. I am so incredibly happy to hear that his treatment is going even better than expected. I think the world of you for being willing to put in the time and effort to help wean him off safely and with as little discomfort as possible. You and your SO are amazing human beings, and you deserve the best things in life.
@darkevilspirit That is such great news! I am so happy that you were able to save him and help aid in his recovery. :) If you have any pics of him, that would be awesome, too!
@darkevilspirit That's the same pic as the car ride home?

Regardless, glad he's getting through rehab! What a strange case. Also glad some justice is being served to those people. Good luck moving forward!
@transnomer I've just taken a couple more pics, thought you might enjoy them!

Here he is, smiling for the camera!

This isn't a great photo, but shows how Doggo and Zorro have bonded enough to be comfortable sleeping together. I don't know if Doggo had ever lived with a cat, or seen a domestic cat (there were ferals around the settlement) but he's shown no aggression towards either of our cats. For a guy that's had so much violence and cruelty inflicted on him, he's so gentle and non-aggressive to other animals.

I'd love to see your dog too if you are comfortable posting a pic of her? (I am assuming it's a 'she' given the name Lucy :p)
@transnomer haha that's too cute! Although they are such different looking dogs, the fact they both do that with their paws I find really endearing... a subconscious reaction perhaps?!

I've had bad experiences with some rescue groups, and thus got my first dog, "Chessie", (whom is a boxer with a bit of something else in him) was from the pound. He was on 'death row' because he was (mis)diagnosed with a severe flea allergy. Had really leathery skin all over from scratching himself so badly. I had to sign a waiver to adopt him, and beleive or not, just the pet store anti-flea treatment (that you put on their back once a month) stopped him from scratching, and over 4-5 months his skin naturally became soft and hair regrew :-D

Before I had Chester, The animal rescue place I had the bad experience is a very long story, but basically involved them making numorous (false) police reports against me for 'animal cruelty' and other crimes in order to harass me into giving a dog I had adopted back... their 'foster' carer missed the dog and in the contract it said they have the right to repossess the the dog at any time for any reason. I told them that they are welcome to take me to court to enforce that clause, but they went the gurilla warfare route and I got sick of having police + animal welfare officers showing up at my door and requesting a walk through of the house because an anonymous caller "heard me beating a dog" or "heard me beating my wife" or "saw my selling drugs" etc.. They also would sit in a car outside my house, and I was worried they'd break in or whatever so I just returned that dog (once they agreed to refund me) and amazingly the anonymous calls ceased. That's the SHORT version FML >_<

I know not all rescue groups are bad, and many do good things, but at the same time I know that in recent years more than 5 groups in my city have ended up in legal trouble after becoming animal hoarders as 'no one meets their adoption criteria', and they can't care for the amount of animals they have (let alone pay for needed vet bills) and thus, sadly, they get shut down by the RSPCA and most of the animals euthanised as they were trying to care for way more animals than the could, and it was extremely rare they would approve an adopter :-(