Up all night positively reinforcing good behaviour… (separation anxiety?)


New member
Coming up to 3 months of having my dog now, she’s 22 months and previously lived with my Grandma… Gran is still alive and well, but after 18 months she had agreed the dog would live a better life with me, f##k knows why she thought a puppy was a good idea (she’s 76 with mobility issues)… the dog was literally bouncing off the walls / her head and she really couldn’t keep up with the walks or give her any form of healthy routine, just lots of love, attention and cuddles. So yeah, she’s with us now. Getting at least 3 walks a day except on a Friday when she’s at play school and runs around all day long with her friends. Friday tends to be the one night she sleeps. Tonight seems to be an exception! We’ve come a long way in her being able to spend the night alone in our kitchen but she still gets up quite a lot and scratches at the door / whines. Until today, every time she scratches I’ve gotten up and pointed to her bed and firmly said ‘BED!’, she KNOWS this is what I want but still never ever ever stays there and sleeps through. Getting up at least 4 times in the night. Putting her harness on usually helps but with the warmer weather I’m conscious this can’t be comfortable for her and also maybe isn’t safe?? So I’m trying a different approach now, and she stays in bed for 5 mins, I give her a treat, 15 min, treat, 30 mins, treat. But is this the right way to go about it? I then was planning on giving her a big treat in the morning if she sleeps through 😩 I’m tired. This probably makes little sense! Help me! Much appreciated x

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