Unwanted help from roommate with dogs


New member
UPDATE: so I have not had a chance to sit down and talk to her yet today, but she contacted me and said she was going to start putting a bark collar on not only her dog but mine and our roommates puppy…I don’t even know what to say back. I just haven’t responded. Not only is this a total violation I feel, but the dogs don’t bark…not even hers. The only time they are vocal is when they get riled up and are playing with each other outside and even then it’s playful growling (normal dog behavior) but according to her it’s stressing her out. Like what the fuck? This isn’t even a behavior solution! It’s a fucking crutch! Everything is stressing her out, how do I conceivably have a conversation and not stress her out more?

This might not belong here because it’s help with my roommate as it relates to our dogs. Context: household of 4 humans, 3 dogs (2adults_1puppy) 1 belonging to each human with two humans being married.
All of us are very close friends and have been for years.

So my roommate (X) gets a lot of anxiety about things in general in a way where she gets in your way trying to “help”. This specifically relates to the dogs, if she is around when anyone is doing stuff with their dogs or all the dogs she immediately starts micromanaging both the humans and dogs. She does this as if we are going to fuck something up or not be able to handle simple common situations like feeding, or letting them in and outside to much less simple situations.

My dog was 2 years old when I moved in (2.5 now) and has been trained and is naturally just well behaved, albeit a little sneaky sometimes. X’s dog is about the same age and has ZERO discipline or chill. Her dog wears the pants in the marriage and it’s VERY annoying. I’ve been working with their dog on training/discipline and he’s been doing well and being calmer. So it’s even more frustrating that I’m micromanaged about everything when X is around with the dogs and usually counterproductive.

It has gotten to a point where a lot of times it is totally unenjoyable for me to do things with the dogs if X is home. I don’t know what to do because X is an amazing human with great intentions but very insecure about things so I don’t how to handle this mindfully besides just continuing to grin and bear it.
@kimmarqy Not a full one, just asking her to stop from time to time and when I do she kinda just turns into a puddle and I don’t know how to talk to that. I’m definitely the type of person that would normally just cut to the chase but I can’t figure out how to do that with her. I’ve never felt like I shouldn’t confront someone before so this is very foreign to me.
@monna159 well sounds like you need to sit her down and talk about boundaries. she isnt your partner and doesnt own your dog, even if she’s your friend its not her place to be doing these things. my best friend knows that anytime im around with my dog she isn’t to step in or add her opinion , mainly because her dog is completely untrained and she is clueless when it comes to dog behavior and training. sounds like your friend is the same way, so again she has no place micromanaging you or what you do with your dog. you also need to break it to her that while she’s micromanaging you and controlling things, she has her own untrained dog that she can work with instead of working with you and yours.
@monna159 Move out. She got issues and they are about her not the dogs. She may be your friend but she can be a not living together friend. Sorry for everyone else in the house. Dogs as well.
@aaronfrisien That’s not a viable option for me right now otherwise I would consider it, plus I have a very nice house with a yard for my dogs in the Boulder/Denver area that I very very much underpay for. Plus beyond this one issue we have a very good dynamic in the house.

Her husband is usually good at mitigating her stress but he’s been really sick for the past few months so everything has been very difficult for him, even just being upright (think really severe mono type fatigue but not depression)
@aaronfrisien Haha I’m sure it’s only slightly related but yeah I’m not gonna budge on the collar. I haven’t made it home to talk to her yet. I’m kinda procrastinating right now because I’m just so frustrated and need to get a couple beers in me before I get overly upset with her.

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