Training Question - Sequence to reinforce actions you want


New member
Quick training question. What is the sequence that should be used when you catch your dog doing something you want to train them to do? Is it COMMAND - KEYWORD ("Yes!", "Good Boy", Clicker) - TREAT or is it KEYWORD - TREAT - COMMAND ("Good sit!", "Good Lay down", etc.)?

This can be used for any command. The example I have is we are trying to teach our puppy to sleep in his own bed. The bed is left out for him during the day and if I were to catch him sleeping or chilling in his bed would I:

A) "Go To Sleep" (Command) -> "G'Boy!" (Keyword) -> Treat


B) "G'Boy" (Keyword) -> Treat -> "Good Sleep!" (Command)

Thanks for the advice!
@vanoldenphatt I don't think there's a hard and fast rule on this.

The key take away I have from books and training videos and my own habits is that the "Yes" or Click is there to mark the behaviour immediately so the puppy understands it's doing something right. So I would lead with that followed by the treat.

The command comes later when the puppy is repeating the desired behaviour so it begins to associate the action with the phrase.

Then using " Good (action) " after as a reward and confidence builder to reinforce the lesson.
@vanoldenphatt I usually try to do 'Good Sleep' - treat.

But I dunno if there is a right or wrong. I do it like that so I can phase out the treat but they still understand they did the right thing.
@vanoldenphatt Our trainer differentiated it depending on whether you were teaching a command or asking for or reinforcing a command.

If you were teaching a command, it was Lure into the desired position with a treat / keyword / command.

Once they know what the command is, then you switch to Command / Keyword & treat simultaneously, and then as the command gets stronger you can leave more time between the Keyword and treat.

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