Tips and advice to comfort a dog


New member
Hello, for small context my aunt’s family raised the dog they gave me, however Mocha (2 year old Shih Tzu), my aunt’s dog now mine, is already fond of me even before I took her in, anyways, Mocha has anxiety whenever she hears loud sounds (i.e. fireworks, sudden loud bangs, smacking utensils on plates) and I don’t know how to comfort her since I didn’t raise her as a puppy, also my aunt’s family didn’t really train her that much only two commands like sit and lay down. I really want to know how do I comfort her during the New Years since my neighbors are always using fireworks. This is also my first New Year’s with Mocha. I would like some tips or advice. Thank you!
@matthewades keeping her in a dark, confined space can help. a crate with a blanket over it is great, but if not, keep her in a closed bedroom with low lighting. if you'll be home and not doing anything festive, stay in the room with her and have the TV on. my GSD dislikes thunder now and will instinctively find somewhere small to tuck into... usually her crate, under the bed, or under the desk.

do you know how anxious it makes her? if it's severe, it would be worth talking to a vet to see about getting a prescription for something to take off the edge, and that can be kept around the house for when you expect she may be triggered by something.
@samishenouda i don’t really think it’s severe, i’m not sure, but all she does is find a place to hide like my bed and such, but i let her hide until she’s comfortable to come out.
@matthewades It depends on the dog

Some dogs actually respond quite well to calm petting and talking, especially if they look to you in general in moments of discomfort like when interacting with other dogs or people.

Some dogs find contact to be more arousing and do better in a covered crate with music playing and a lick item

Many dogs need medication to be able to handle things like fireworks and thunderstorms

Still other dogs need mental stimulation like puzzle toys or play to distract them from the thing they’re worried about.

This takes some trial and error but you can probably guess what is right for your dog just by knowing their personality
@matthewades Comforting a dogwhen anxious teaches them to be more anxious. You are praising their mental state. The only way is to desensitize them or to reduce the stimulus. Get them earmuffs for noise, thunder shirt, put them in basement or bathroom etc. If you want to train them you can play firework noises on a set of good speakers louder and louder making sure they get used to each level of volume before moving up.