Ticks won’t f@&$ off


New member
Ticks won’t fuck off my dog , it’s been about two weeks and these blood suckers won’t die off . I’ve given him 4 baths , pet armor plus medicine , and have been checking his skin every time we go outside for potty . I’ve cleaned , bleached , changed my own bedding but they seem to latch on him no matter what , I’m crying for my poor baby because I can’t seem to help him . What more can I do ? What can I use ? Is it best to just shave him down ?
@gypsysfriend Is he on monthly tick oral medication? I find the ticks don't really bite when they are on the oral medication and if they do bite they die pretty quickly and fall off, no issues.
@gypsysfriend Most flea and tick treatment do not stop the ticks from biting your dog, but it does cause them to die after biting the dog. In some areas fleas and ticks have grown some immunity to some treatments, so see if your vet would recommend a different brand in your area.

Make sure you are using correct size of treatment and applying it correctly.

I would hope that ticks are not in your house or bed, either cleaning that doesn't help or there is some other issue I am not aware of. Fleas in the bed yes, ticks I have not heard of.
@home4good Unfortunately that’s how I found out he had ticks in the first place , he was laying on my bed and I saw one crawling on the sheets . I bathed him and bleached the whole set that very night . I haven’t found any more on the bed but I also stopped him from sleepy on it as well until he’s been cleansed of ticks . I have an appointment tomorrow for a Lyme disease shot for him , and I’ll ask the vet about that . Thank you 🙏
UPDATE : Baby boy got checked out with the vet and got a treatment bath , Lyme disease prevention shot , and a new subscription to a tick medication 💊. And lo and behold some treatments don’t work in my area according to my vet and it just so happened petarmor is one of them ! The medicine for the tick prevention I’ll be starting on that Monday , thank you everyone with the advice 🙏.