Thoughts on what I removed from my dogs head


New member
I'm going to get her into the vet, but it's going to be a while. So I thought I'd get some feedback here while I waited.

My dog has a lump on her head, has since I've owner for almost a year now. The vet said it's nothing to be concerned about but to keep an eye on it.

Recently, I noticed something on the edge of that lump. Almost felt like something was stuck in her fur. I couldn't see anything, but I could feel it. Curiosity got the best of me one night and I fiddled with it until I pulled this out. Just a small clump of hair with a black base. There was still more there so I pulled a smaller second clump out.

After that, it seemed to be gone. But after a week or so, I can feel something there again. Not as prominent, but feels like it'll end up that way. I haven't pulled it out yet. I was waiting for the vet to look at it.
@ehunter So sometimes my dog gets a scab from bumping her head on something. When it grows out, it usually looks similar to this. It's like the hair kept growing through and pushed the old scab right off the skin.

I'm wondering if that's essentially what happened here. Maybe it is some sort of growth or scab that the hairs pushed through and forced out of the pore.

All of that said, the fact that you've noticed it growing back seems worrisome. That usually is not a good sign in my experience.
@ehunter Dried blood and hair, she had what appears to be a small wound at the site. Look closely and monitor to ensure it's healing well. If it's red, inflamed, or has a discharge, seek immediate veterinary care.

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