Thoughts on upstate academy method?

@forgiven2013 I agree many dogs get put down because positive only didnt work so they think that's all there is to do about their dog left is kill it , rather than try balanced methods ....
And I always wonder what do you do when your dog is behaving aggressively or not listening or being destructive etc etc when it is positive method only? Just ignore that stuff? How do you even train your dog then?
Balanced method is good...hence why it's called BALANCED....balanced ppl......
@muin496 My dog's leash behavior fluctuates between awe-inspiring and "I wish I could pretend this wasn't my dog." He does better, however, when he's getting routine opportunities for interacting with other dogs. You can tell when he's not getting enough chances to socialize because he's just vibrating with excitement to see another dog.
@muin496 My leash reactive mali pup behaved like a different dog while his trainer was handling him with a pinch collar but back to his reactive self with me. So i do believe in positive training and fix the root cause of the reactivity mostly its fear, confidence issues, I’m not a trainer but i keep reading that from all dog trainers. Good luck.