Thoughts on fresh human grade food (e.g. JustFoodForDogs, Farmers Dog?)


New member
Our 13wk old Havanese puppy has never been too excited about his kibble (Royal Canin). He never finishes the full bowl and only eats a little bit of it at a time. He’s definitely a grazer so we pick up his bowl after 5mins of putting it down, no matter how much he’s eaten to enforce feeding times. I gave him some plain boiled chicken and rice cause he had an upset tummy (per vet rec) and I’ve never seen him so excited about eating before. He finished the full bowl and started eating immediately when I put it down.

We have friends who feed their adult dogs JustFoodForDogs and they’re happy with it. It seems like it’s got great health benefits, but I can’t find much info on how it is for growing puppies. We’ll be asking our vet what they think, but I wondered if anyone here had thoughts on this type of diet, and any brands in particular? Thanks in advance!
@maddieh567 I don’t think there’s anything wrong with “people” food or even raw food based on different takes by vets I’ve seen. However I think that for growing puppies it’s especially important to get the nutrients and vitamins just right because this is their most important growth period. Personally, I wouldn’t want to try to deal with this when I can just as easily experiment with different kibbles or wet food specifically formulated for puppies. I wouldn’t want to take the chance of accidentally not getting my puppy all the nutrients she needs as she’s growing just by DIYing her food.

Maybe you just haven’t found the right brand yet? If it’s not working maybe also feel your puppy their kibble ALONG with some human grade food. Sometimes I will mix my puppy’s kibble with fruits and vegetables or wet food and she gobbles it up quick. Also my pup actually prefers working for her food so I usually only feed her in her kong now-you could try that! Or a puzzle feeder
@wittyfeed Great suggestions! I’m definitely worried about him not getting all his growing puppy nutrients from any other diet aside from puppy kibble too. Even if we do switch diets, I don’t see us doing it until he’s well after 15months old at least.

He’s still getting used to the kong (I don’t think he knows there’s food IN it), so we’ll keep experimenting on making the food appetizing!
@maddieh567 Also might be worth experimenting with wet puppy food! Some dogs just aren’t into the dry kibble thing. Or like I said you can mix both together. I definitely think up until he’s a year old maybe just try to stick with a store bought brand vs human grade food. Also puppy stomachs are VERY sensitive. Sometimes they can get nauseous or diarrhea if they eat too many different foods or are introduced to a new food. Maybe just find a specific food he likes and stick to a couple regular snacks like carrots, blueberries, peanut butter etc.
@maddieh567 I wouldn't suggest these brands of dog food for puppies due to how specific nutrition is.

Why not try other kibbles that follow WSAVA guidelines? It'd be better for the dog and you would be paying a fair amount less.

Also, try putting water in the food. I do for mine and they absolutely love it.
@eront Thanks for the suggestion, I’ve tried soaking his kibble and he doesn’t seem to care for it. We’re still incredibly undecided about switching to another diet - and even if we do it, it’d likely be after he’s at least 15months old.