Those of you with full-time jobs out of the home - how do you do it?


New member
I personally work from home and I cannot imagine how I would do it if I had a full-time job eight hours a day plus commute. What do you do with the puppy if you don’t have anybody else to watch them? You can’t possibly leave them in a crate 10 hours a day. How do U do potty training? Even if you take a week off once you get the puppy that’s way not enough time for any training whatsoever.
I’m just curious how other people do it because even working from home I’m sometimes more than overwhelmed. Like when I have meetings and he cries. And that’s just one example.
@servintheking I work full time in the office and am gone 10-11 hours per day. Now that they’re out of the puppy stage, both of my dogs have free roam privileges of the apartment when I’m gone. They quite literally sleep 95% of the day and play 5% of the day.

When they were puppies, I paid for a dog walker to come by 2x per day for 15-20 min potty and play breaks. The rest of the time they slept in their crate.

IMO it’s a lot less stressful and easier for puppies to get used to being home alone and doing nothing from day 1 on so they don’t develop any codependencies and separation anxiety. It also made implementing structure and forced naps easy so the puppy is getting the 16-18 hours of rest they need.
@wildstriker Hi @wildstriker , you've done well raising them. Could you spare me your two cents? I'll be in a similar situation soon. I recently got a puppy (Italian greyhound) which I have been facing quite a lot of struggles to raise. He is 3 months old now and ive had him for a month. He doesn't seem to adjust well to my lifestyle (I live in an apartment) even when I am home at the moment most of the times. However, my new job requires me to work full-time in the office and I will be away for 10-12 hours a day and I don't know how it is going to impact his mental health since he kind of have confinement anxiety and had hurt itself a couple of times. He also doesn't sleep much (10-12 hours top). I am thinking of returning him to the breeder as I am not confident that I can bring him up healthily.
@mazince47 Sounds like he may have the beginning of separation anxiety. If that’s the case and you’re gone 10-11 hours you will likely never be able to overcome that - I’d recommend contacting the breeder. Kudos for you realizing you might not have the time for this. It’s heartbreaking.
@mazince47 If you will be away possibly 12 hours a day you really should consider returning your pup. Thats too long stuck in a crate. Either that or you will need a dog sitter or walker to pop in twice a day. Where will he go toilet? Who will feed him? You will get home and not long after he will be back in the crate for bed time after being in bed time all day

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