This post is a big F U to the person who dropped their chicken bones all over the park


New member
That’s it, that’s the post! I’ve pried about four different bones from his mouth during our walk. It’s gross. And they’re everywhere.
@whiteyd26 Trash bandits are jerks, but I’d sleep better at night thinking it was them instead of people. It’s so rude to leave your garbage in public places, this is particularly a health risk for dogs but even when it isn’t it’s still awful.
@whiteyd26 I keep finding chicken bones in my backyard, and I haven’t eaten chicken in nearly a decade. I think my local corvids are at least part of the problem. They must be fishing the bones out of the trash and dropping them in my yard accidentally. So I don’t think it’s all litterbugs, though they also contribute.
@whiteyd26 Nah, it's probably a human. I think the chicken bone thing is cultural - as in, it probably isn't medically safe for dogs but the compulsive checking of safety is definitely middle class - and I want to say white. Not trying to exclude other people from wanting the best for their animals but legitimately alot of people don't know this.

I think the concern is a little overwrought. Like, if it does perf their bowel they probably will die or get really sick but it's not a common occurrence. I just let my dog eat them at this point and she is fine. I try to avoid them or cover them with my shoe but I'm tired of doing jt twice a walk.
@ezrael Yeah, because it's totally acceptable for people to just toss the trash from their lunch out the window of their car after their break. That definitely is cultural...the culture of inconsiderate assholes who think the whole world is their own personal garbage dumpster. Bit like my dad flicking his cigarette butts in my yard. Oh we had some fights about that.
@jonhpanin I'm not saying you are wrong - people should throw shit away, but some folks don't. Some people are assholes, however for many, it's definitely cultural and most often associated with poverty.

If you don't agree, let me ask when the last time you got fried food from a gas station or corner store regularly?
@whiteyd26 I have felt exactly the same way: murderous towards my fellow man -- until I learned the culprits are likely vermin or birds 😆

They tear open and pluck stuff from garbage bags, then when they're done they drop the bones wherever -- the sidewalk, etc.

I was wondering what tf sort of animal discards their chicken wing leavings on the sidewalk -- and turns out that's exactly who: animals lol
@heinz Can confirm. In the early 90s I worked in Adams Morgan right across from a Church's fried chicken. They were chicken bones all up and down the sidewalk.
@heinz I was wondering if OP lives in DC. It's infuriating how many people just toss trash on the sidewalks or in the drains, especially when a trash can is nearby. I think a 7-Eleven near the Navy Yard station stopped selling chicken wings because people just tossed the bones on the sidewalk.

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