Things my teenage pup has barked/whined about in the last 24 hours


New member
  1. His frozen toppl was inside his (open) crate and he had to go inside to get it.
  2. I didn’t give him the box my Amazon order came in.
  3. He had to wait 5 seconds for me to pick up his poop before we continued our walk.
  4. I threw his toy for him to retrieve and he didn’t want to.
  5. He dropped his bully stick off the couch for the 3rd time in a row and I made him get it himself.
  6. My coffee mug was on the coffee table (I moved it to the TV stand and that was fine).
  7. There was a lime scooter parked at the end of our street. (We live in a city. He has seen innumerable lime scooters).
  8. I left him alone for 8 seconds to change before we went to the park.
  9. We went to bed with the bedroom door open (it’s never been closed in his life).
  10. I am writing this post instead of getting the ball he hasn’t played with in 2 months out from under the bookshelf.
  1. The vacuum was in the wrong place
  2. The step stool was in the wrong place
  3. The bottle of mayonnaise...exists? (He was terrified of this and flinched when I picked it up)
  4. I wasn't giving him enough attention after a two hour walk and play session
  5. I didn't let him come in the shower with me
  6. The dishwasher was on like it is every night
  7. I said hello to our neighbor corgi who he plays with every night
  8. Other dogs exist
  9. People exist
@tuffhz Omg I'm so glad I'm not alone. My girl has been SO BAD 😭

*Baby that gives her pinecones is outside

*I'm playing on my phone and not paying attention to her

*I press play on a video I'm trying to watch

*I won't let her go in the complex dog park BECAUSE SHE JUST GOT FIXED

*Someone was walking 120' behind our balcony

*There are kids playing outside

*My roommate walked down the stairs and out the door

*I'm sitting on the couch

*I'm sitting on the floor

*I'm not giving her any of my dinner

*Cookie toy is on the floor

*Cookie toy got tossed too far

*Cookie toy is too close to the gate of the pen
@tuffhz All of those things. Plus the vacuum was barely in sight on the other side of the room and was obviously trying to attack him. Oh, and of the 4 phone calls I took today, none of them were for him so for sure he had to voice his displeasure.
@tuffhz Omg. Yesterday I dared to get on a phone call (for work, I literally do it all the time) and she decided to take that opportunity to have a huge confrontation. With herself. In the mirror. Like literally barking at herself louder than I’ve EVER heard before. I had to step outside and when I came back she took one look in the mirror and walked away.
@tuffhz I feel like you possibly own my puppy. Pretty much all of this tracks. Except in his case the toppl was slightly wedged under the couch and I made him figure it out himself. A chewy box showed up today and I wouldn’t let him look inside because it was cat food.
@tuffhz I'm so here for this, my 10 month old has complained because:
  • I haven't let him nibble my fingers
  • I'm not staring lovingly into his eyes constantly
  • I've dared to look at my phone
  • I won't let him sit on my other dogs head to sleep
  • I haven't held him in 4 seconds, this is too long to use his own legs
  • I've removed his favorite squeaky ball because he's eating it
  • My nose is too far away from his mouth to bite
  • My other dog is asleep and he wants to not be asleep.
  • Sleep is for the weak and he is immune to it
@tuffhz Not quite a teenager yet but things my 13 week old pup has barked/whined about in the last 24 hours
  1. He wasn't allowed to drink my glass of wine
  2. I left the room for 2 seconds to get my shoes so I could take him out to potty
  3. I put him in his pen for a much needed nap (he got over this in 6.4 seconds)
  4. He wasn't allowed to bring the stick inside
  5. I wouldn't let him play with the puppy in the tv reflection
  6. I turned his water bowl upright to refill (he prefered the stale water that had rained onto it overnight)
  7. I took his precious cauliflower leaf out of his pen because he'd ripped it to pieces
  8. I wouldn't let him eat the paper towel that I was using to clean up the pee he did inside when he got excited about playing with a toy
Oh the things that affect them one day and not the next!

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