things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today


New member
  1. a couch pillow (rescued in time)
  2. a shirt (taken down from a hangar in the closet)
  3. a signed edition of a paperback book by Craig Childs
  4. the same couch pillow
  5. the same couch pillow
  6. a disposable razor (don't even know where she got it, i don't use them)
  7. a Star Trek Christmas tree ornament (rescued in time)
  8. my checkbook (just paper, not even leatherbound or anything interesting)
  9. and yep, that poor terrorized couch pillow
despite being given treats, training, a walk, and 45 minutes of quiet time with an antler to chew on.

my new full-time job is now retrieving my possessions from my back yard.
@magiclevinho i think she actually took it outside one or two more times, but i lost count. also, how is she getting the damned thing through the dog door in utter silence?
@huguenot my dog was kinda like this. hang in there it will pass 🥲 and get her stuffed toys to replace the pillows. What kept my things and furniture safe was constant new toys (and also some shuffling of them. I would hide some of them for a week and then replace, and then she thought she had new toys and would be just as excited). and also, when she would get something she wasn't supposed to I would take it from her (after a struggle) say no, and offer a toy.

edit: typo
@isabell16 toys are an excellent idea, a little problematic with my other dog. they tend to fight over them. i have finally got one toy they won't always fight over. my other dog is murder on toys--in the two years i've had her, i have identified one (1) toy she did not atomize.

so it's a challenge! but yes this is a great reminder to redirect to toys.
@huguenot It’s amazing how quiet they can be when they want to. In the mornings, my 35-pound pup sounds like a baby rhinoceros stomping around the bed. But throughout the day, I’ll turn around and she’s just there … like, how TF did you do that?!?!
@huguenot we left him in a nice enclosed (but still big an variable and very interesting) area of the garden and he barked every minute or so for the entire time. Then nothing. Then a subtle whine echoed from the other side of the house. Exasperated, we find he's gotten over the fences by climbing in plant pots, run all around the garden to the other door, gone through that and hidden behind a sofa to chew on the iron cable.
@followerb Ahaha! Super-chewer-dog! That’s quite a remarkable hound you have there.

Mine has taken to chewing on the side of the house (redwood boards). She never gets very far with it because I can hear this grinding from anywhere inside the house.
@huguenot My aussie liked to hump my yellow couch pillow. I would always find it on the balcony when i came home from work. He's stopped it now but i never knew until a friend puppy sat him and watched it all unfold.
@imagebeastmarkbeast i have been considering getting a critter cam. new super-chewer is corrupting older super-chewer who had stopped. i caught my previously well behaved pupper outside with a corner of the hated pillow in her mouth. who's the instigator now?
@huguenot I'm.

Okay, I have a nearly two year old dog that loves to take things outside to chew. May be worth crate training, or keeping him on a leash for a bit. I laugh because I understand. Probably look for some more interactive toys like a puzzle feeder, kong, and more brain exercises to do. Ahh.

BOLO for if he brings back in swollen, rotten, dirt infested treats. That's always a good time.
@fickles she has my other dog to chew on all day long when i'm not working with her. they run each other aground into comas. after a brief nap, the couch pillow must again suffer.
@huguenot Ya gotta start training that anything in her mouth has to be dropped before she goes through the dog door. Get someone else on the other side of the door and send her back and forth, taking and dropping things.

Ya'll, my last dog brought me a dead baby squirrel at 3AM. ANYTHING in her mouth has to be dropped.
@huguenot TV Remote control
Prescription glasses (that hurt!)
Pillow from the couch
House plant (non-poisonous)
Bottle of hand lotion

Yes, I am keeping a closer eye on the puppy and have moved things to new heights to avoid more of the same.
@michaellovelett me too, the moving to new heights! everything in the house is now above 3 feet or behind a closed door. i had a bookshelf that contained nothing but my yarn stash... that was the first to get moved.

also, i talked with an optometrist once, he said you'd be surprised how often people come in for replacement glasses because puppy ahahahahha. not so ahahhaaha when you go to pay for replacements tho!
@michaellovelett We must have the same dog! I lost a remote and eyeglasses as well. All pillows have been removed from the sofa and are piled on the guest room bed. He got into the laundry last week (when? How? I keep him out of the upstairs) and threw up a washcloth and a sock, and pooped out another sock. We’re lucky he didn’t need surgery.
@huguenot Well, the consistent thing is that she wants to be outside, and now knows that Mom will do that to rescue her pillow….completely commiserate with you, but for my puppy it was bras…he would get himself tangled up in them and put balls in them and chew them no matter where I would put them…finally ended up with all my bras on the top of the refrigerator for about four months. Ahh, good times!

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