There’s light at the end of the tunnel!!


New member
Guys! I posted not too long ago talking about taking my reactive dog to his first obedience class. I was freaking out trying to find a way to prepare both of us, in hope we wouldn’t get kicked out in 10 min. A lot of awesome people on this forum gave me advice to reach out and discuss w the instructor before hand. Unfortunately, despite my many attempts to get my dog evaluated by the facility prior to class (no shade, covid and understaffed etc.) we ended up going in blind without an in person evaluation. The instructor however was aware of the situation and gave me thorough instruction on when/ where/how to enter the class .

But yall, first class, besides some low growl/ whining when someone/ dog approached too close too fast, he was fine. 0 outburst, even when other reactive dogs tried to get at him. I could not believe it. The instructor was confused because he didn’t seem as bad as I had described. I even thought that maybe he was so shocked during his first class, he didn’t know how to react. But it’s been 4 weeks and we haven’t been kicked out yet!!! My little lungy barky boy was the only one to hold a down stay for an entire minute during class today ( sorry small brag. I’m just so proud).

It’s been so hard up until this point focusing on his reactivity, that I failed to see how much he has improved. Surely he’s not perfect yet. We still got so much work to do, but I could not wait to see what the future has in store for us. My friends and my family just think that I am an overbearing dog mom who can’t let dogs be dogs, so they could not understand how huge this is for me. So I thought I’d share my small win here. There’s light at the end of the tunnel y’all. Don’t give up on your dog and keep up with your amazing work!
@activewear This is so awesome. I'm going to start group classes soon and I'm terrified of how my pup will react in the presence of other dogs and strangers. He is very overprotective and also apprehensive of strangers. Your story gives me hope though!
@teampancho Yes! Mine is very much stranger danger, and still does not like the other dogs in the class (but thats okay. I like being his favorite lol). I did ask the instructor if he is not functional in the class, but okay outside the ring observing the other dogs, would it be okay to just sit out to do some CC/ DS till he’s comfortable. And the instructor said that’s totally okay. It was very comforting for me to have that option to fall back on. Good luck with your dog! Keep us updated on any good news!
@activewear That's a great idea! And thank you so much! We realized he doesn't have the Bordatella vaccine yet since our vet didn't require it, so we need to wait to attend in person until we can go, prob in a couple weeks. They recommended we start with the virtual class so we can ease into it, so that should be a helpful transition too!
@activewear I’m so happy for you! The same happened with me and my pup with agility. I was so paranoid I baked all his favourite treats and went for a relaxing walk the morning of. He was also super calm during the class, one of the other dogs actually couldn’t stop barking and my boy ignored him. I think because we put in effort beforehand and your trainer giving input on how to enter, it leads to us feeling more in control and prepared when we get to class. Well done and I hope your success grows!
@akdamar That’s awesome. Congrats to your very good boy as well. My instructor thinks that because he’s fearful he looks to me for guidance on how to act in this brand new scenario. Whereas if I walk him on the same block everyday, he would feel more comfortable to react on his own. I have no clue if that’s true, but I’m not complaining lol. I feel you on the being prepared thing. I used to hate it at the beginning (ugh why can’t a walk be a walk, why do I have to carry all these treats). But now it’s my best weapon 💪I came to the class with his place mat, tug toy, gross stinky hot dogs,chicken, kibbles, chewy treats, his long and his short leashes, his collar and his harness. It’s like I was a mobile pet store 😂it ended up being a bit extra and my husband thought I had gone insane.
@sonofthor Thats possible! Maybe the ridiculous amount of stinky treats created a positive association with being in the ring, so our dogs didn’t react as much? I’m not sure but whatever it is, I’m not complaining

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