The Spay Experience - 0/10 Would Not Recommend (But actually would bc it’s important)


New member

Day 0 - brought my girl home and she stood in one spot staring off into nowhere for 8 hours straight because she was so drugged.

Didn’t sleep at all. No water consumed

Days 2-6 - Given Acepromazine as a sedative to keep her calm. Drugs caused explosive diarrhea.

No water consumed STILL (only when mixed with food, but not voluntarily)

Vet contacted, sedatives changed to Trazadone.

Days 6-8 - Trazadone not strong enough for crazy dog. Makes incision bleed jumping around. Back to vet, given higher dosage.

STILL no water consumed. Poops back to normal.

Vet says to wait until recovery period is over to worry about water consumption.

Days 8-14 - Dog going stir crazy from being inside. Can’t have chews because of strict diet, so stuck with playing with toys. Not happy. But more subdued.

STILL no water consumed.

Human is near tears every second. Hasn’t eaten a real meal in almost two weeks.

Day 16 - No more drugs in system. Cone off. Water finally consumed voluntarily.

Human takes a human sedative and sleeps.

Never again.

*Please spay and neuter your animals to help with the overpopulation problem!
@duffy44 For anyone reading this and having their anxiety spike: it’s not always this bad!! I was dreading my Aussie girl’s spay because she’s normally VERY hard to keep calm and still, but she did great post-op. She did great on anesthesia and didn’t have any adverse reactions. No drugs after coming home, she just seemed to feel that her body was recovering and didn’t want to do much but sit around and chew. She got lots of bully sticks and yak cheese and would just hang out on the couch with me for hours. Neither of us really liked the cone, so I put a soft tank top on her and tied it up so it fit her better. She wore that for the latter part of her recovery and was much happier with it. She’s currently 10 days post op and is basically back to normal. Her incision is all healed up and she’s tearing around the house like she used to lol
@annieopie Thank you for this. My dog is about to be spayed next month and this made me panic. She’s a good girl and has settled down a lot recently though so I’m hoping her recovery goes as smooth as your dogs has! Glad your pup is doing well! :)
@femc53 Oh please, try not worry! This scenario is not the norm! My Boston Terrier puppy who is very active, was spayed in August without incident. She came home the same day, slept the rest of the day and was in the crate the next day sleeping as well. I have an older dog as well, so I didn’t want them running and jumping all over. She was on pain meds for 2 days and a relaxant for about 4. She didn’t bother the stitches, so I didn’t use the cone. After 2 days in the crate, she cuddled on the couch with me the rest of the time. I had to take her outside on a leash rather than run around in the yard, but that was for a week (my own determination) and then everything was back to normal.
@annieopie I second this! Feeling for OP because that sounds SO hard. I was stressing about my girls spay because she usually is pretty hyper and it went so smooth. She was for sure in a funk for pretty much the full week after (i think she was having phantom pregnancy symptoms) But she wasn’t too energetic and really just enjoyed being babied.

biggest issue I had was i kept forgetting to remove her spay suit aka. doggie onsie that kept her from licking at the stitches when she would go to the bathroom. She kept running out before i could remove it and one time i opened it up and a turd fell out 🤦‍♀️

(also i feel i should mention i was removing it because i realized she peed in it so I was going to wash it and realized she pooped too. It’s not like she was walking around with a full diaper for more than a minute)