the barking during adolescence is driving me insane


New member
Guys, i thought i was done here. i thought i was out of the woods. i posted here weekly for the first two months I had him. Stuff about house breaking, neutering, daycare, BITING. Then a flip switched and everything was magical and amazing and my dog was an angel. but now he’s 7.5 mo and he is a monster. He barks literally all the time. he barks at his toys when we throw them, he barks at us if he wants to play and we’re sitting on the couch. He barks out the window at people. he barks at friends when they come over, which he NEVER did. I live in an apartment building so while i can tolerate the barking, i have a feeling my neighbors are probably getting fed up with it and i’m feeling really bad. What do y’all do for a barky boy? I taught him speak but have yet to find an effective way to teach quiet. I taught him speak with the intention of teaching quiet as I know that’s one of the better ways to get them to hush but it’s not working. any suggestions? i don’t want this to become a permanent thing.
@ntenda Ugh yeah, but we got our dog to ‘quiet’! The way we did it was that when she barked we would say quiet and treat her as soon as she stopped, then little by little they will stay quiet for longer periods and connects the word ‘quiet’ with being quiet. She now will usually lay down and stay quiet when we say it (although gets up quickly haha)

Edit: I also added a hand signal which is the shushing sign in front of my mouth, personally I think it’s too close to ‘look’ when you point at your eyes but she seems to differentiate it, I think it helps the process move faster
@betterdays This is what I had to do as well. I specifically put him in situations where I knew he would bark (drive thru, going out to potty when it was dark out, walking by the neighbors dog, etc) and treated when he listened to the quiet command and that really helped him to get it too.
@ntenda I read that teaching them to bark to teach them quiet often has the reverse effect because they've learnt that barking a) gets your attention and b) gets your reward. A bit like how dogs will sit or offer a paw in hopes of getting a treat.
@taeniura I wouldn’t give up on it so quick! It’s been working really well with my boy (6 mo Great Pyrenees mix). Definitely takes time but I think worth the effort.

Edit: I’d say especially worth considering for breeds prone to barking.
@deerlane I’m sure it does but my 5 month old doesn’t bark at all unless he’s playing with another dog. It would not be worth the risk of him barking at home for a trick.
@taeniura Don’t do it. I taught my guy who rarely barked and it is all the time. He then learned it was ok to bark outside from a friend’s dog and has started baking outside too