Suggestions to help "paws" licking?


New member
My 9 y/o, 90# boxer mix has a growth (benign) on one of her front toes. Due to her age and the location of the growth, our vet deferred surgery and suggested we just keep our pup's foot covered "until it no longer bothers him/he doesn't show interest in it." I work in (human) healthcare, so I've gotten fairly adept at cleaning and bandaging the growth, covering with a sock, and securing the sock with coban and paper tape. The problem is, my sweet pup's adventurous, curious spirit drives him to constantly lick at it and pull it off, so I'm thinking we'll likely never reach the above criteria.

Without resorting to the Cone of Shame, has anyone been in a similar situation and had success in preventing licking/chewing of a front paw? Extra special bonus points for suggestions that are neither time intensive (my PR for cleaning, bandaging, and covering is about 8.5 minutes) nor required frequently (currently performing these cares 4-5x/day).