Hello, I’m here asking for help, suggestions, and/or advice!!! ❤️🐶

@firewraith So glad it was helpful! Before spending the money on a stress jacket I think you might work on training and building his confidence. He may hate the stress jacket! But money spent on training will definitely help him and will help you too! I'm going to reach out to a friend who has a Great Pyrenees and see if she has any suggestions. And it's Amazon prime day today and tomorrow and WagWorthy is running a special good for $4 off each bottle. Good luck! Rooting for you and Wall-E
@marybeee Oh you’re right about the jacket, I’ll look into a trainer first then. Also that’s awesome! I already had em in my cart, thanks so much for this!
And I’d really appreciate your friends advice too! Anything helps!
@firewraith Taking him for car rides may help with getting him out and about, it’ll help get him used to the “outside world.” Just sitting on a porch or just outside the gate for 30 minutes at a time can help ease him into going to a walk too, he can see what’s out there. The biggest thing in helping him to be brave is waiting for or helping him to be comfortable in that scary situation. For grooming, I’d have to suggest taking him to a groomer at least 4 times a year, but every 8 week is recommended. That kind of fur is hard to wash, but any decent grooming business will have access to a forced water/soaping machine, XXL tub, and a forced air dryer to dry them down to the skin and to help loosen and remove even more hair. It will be $100 - $200 especially if it’s difficult to bathe him. You need to have a conversation with your possible groomer ask if they can work with his fears. If you find a good groomer it’s so worth it, your pup will feel happy and be incredibly clean. I used to manage a small dog daycare/grooming business, if you’re wondering where I get my info. I love the big fluffs, but they are expensive to maintain and they NEED the maintenance to stay happy and healthy.


A companion can help with fear issues, but can create other issues as well. It can be beneficial to speak with a purely positive or a balanced method dog trainer, regarding the fear issues, to get some tips. Your big puppo just needs to learn and trust that you will keep him safe in new places and situations, always keep an upbeat attitude and voice when he gets scared. If you become worried when he is worried, then he thinks there really is a reason to be fearful. Don’t force him but be like, “you’re fine buddy, this is cake!” and hugely reward any forward process, no matter how small, with good smelly treats and praise.
@bobharms Thank you for this! I appreciate it, I’ve never had this big of a dog, specially a neglected one, so this really helps me!

I was wondering if I do find a good groomer, should I wait a bit until he’s even comfortable with going outside? I was thinking taking him to the groomers would stress him a heck of a lot.
@firewraith I hope it helps! And yes, make sure you can get him comfortable going for car rides and getting out of the car and exploring a little bit first. Otherwise, if you get him in the car for the first time and take him for a groom right away and he has a bad experience, he’ll associate the car with bad experiences. If you talk to the groomers and they take their time with him to keep him as least stressed as possible, then it’ll become a good experience. Somewhat stressful at first, but good all around is what you gotta aim for.