Sudden loss of appetite of my 1.2 y/o female Shepard


New member
Hi guys! So my Shepard and I just moved to VA. I noticed after two weeks of having moved that her appetite drastically reduced from one day to the other. She ate but not aggressively like she normally does. I took her to the vet and they did blood work and X-rays and they said she could have a blockage, however as long as she was still eating and going to the bathroom it could pass. Furthermore, they told me she had been exposed to Lyme disease so they started her on medication (which she is still on now). They told me to wait it out a week or so and then bring her back in. Fast forward a week and a half later, her appetite is still low, she was eating but not like her usual self. I started feeding her extra so she wouldn’t lose weight. I took her to the vet a second time with the intention of doing surgery and when they did her x-rays and blood work, she was clean and they didn’t see anything concerning. Furthermore she had put on 3 pounds from last time so they didn’t see any cause for concern. The problem is, she still isn’t eating well. I lock her in her crate with her food so she will eat out of boredom, but even that is losing its effect. Also want to add that her behavior is normal, she still acts like she does 3 lines of cocaine every morning. Any advice, knowledge that anyone could share?
@lisab123 Shepherds also get anxiety pretty easy as well and with all the change it could be affecting her too. Extra reassurance with routine, attention and affection will go a long way.
@myway I went on a road trip from east Texas to Nevada. My girl didn't eat regularly nor did she poop for the four days it took us to get to our destination. When we got there, we found a dog parkand she went three times and appetite slowly came back. They do get anxious and may refuse to eat.
@lisab123 Are you exercising her before you put out food? Maybe try adding some gravy on the food or try wet food after working up her appetite.

I'm no expert, but something tells me leaving food out all day probably makes her want it less because it's always available, so she probably doesn't feel like she needs to eat it asap.
@lisab123 What kind of food are you giving? Have you tried something that might be more appetizing like chicken and rice?

When I moved out for my divorce my pup went on a food and bathroom strike. She wouldn’t eat for a week and it was 2 weeks before she would poop.

Years later when I moved across the country she went through a spell of little to no appetite for several days. It sounds like your pup is just stressed and freaked out.
@lisab123 My boy stopped eating randomly a few months ago. For me that's very strange he loves food and he still has his normal energy. He didn't exhibit any pain or anything and I assumed he was using the bathroom less because he was eating less.

Turns out he had a blockage in his intestine from a big rubber ball he had eaten at some point. They had to do multiple different X-rays to confirm.

They went in pulled it out and he's been his normal self ever since.

Not trying to say this to scare you that something could be wrong but you know your dog best and if they seem like they are not acting normal then it's worth doing all the verification work you can to make sure it's nothing dangerous.