Stripping vs Clipping my double coated puppy


New member
Re: clipping vs stripping; have you noticed changes to a pup’s coat after grooming?

I’ve had two other schnauzers and they were both clipped when given the classic schnauzer cut. Neither underwent many changes to their coat color, but the texture and feel totally changed. I’ve done a lot of research on this type of coat and am fascinated.

Now, my guy was silky dark black when we brought him home at 8 weeks, but now he’s begun to lighten a bit. He’s never been clipped. I used a furminator once,then got scared away from it by mixed reviews.

I’ve been using a grooming stone, as well as carding out the undercoat with a stripping knife a couple times a week for the last month. I’m seeing the wire coat come through (amazing difference) , and the curly shiny hair he had is gone 😭. But I’m just wondering if my boy’s dark black will come back. The wire cost that’s coming through has some white hairs and I’m so interested in what his coat may look like.

Any advice/experience? I’ve attached a pic of him at 8 weeks and a pic of him at the beginning of the July (with a fresh wash and blow dry)June v July
@eternalgrace7 His colour really depends on his genetics some will remain black, some fade to grey. As far as coat texture if you continue to strip him he will be a wirey coarse coat, but if you clipped him regularly he would be soft and downy. You can't flip between the 2.
@eternalgrace7 Puppies can completely change color as they grow up. I’ve seen some come in at 8 weeks that are tan colored and when their adult coat finishes coming in, they’re totally white. It’s not easy to predict.