

New member
New client for just a bath and nails. Appointment is at 1:00pm. She calls and asks if she can come in later since something happened at home. I told her I could take her at 5pm. She said she'll just keep the 1pm. (Red flag)

Proceeds to wall in at 1:25pm. No call saying she'll be late, nothing. No rabies paperwork either. She's irritated the second she walks in when I ask her for rabies paperwork. Ranting anout how inconvient this is blah blah. (Yes its very inconvenient for you to show up to your apppintment 25 minutes late) can't find it and at this point it's like 1:30. I had a doodle coming in in 15. I told her we will have to reschedule in order to give her pup the best undivided attention blah blah blah. She reluctantly re-schedules.

She comes in today. Again. 20 minutes late. Acts like it's no big deal. We told her we can still take her since we had no other dogs but there will be a $10 late charge. She flips a shit but eventually agrees. Then right when we are about to take the dog back, she asks if we take checks, (we dont) and she flips a shit again and said she'll just "go somewhere else" I told her I'm sorry you don't agree with our policies and to have a nice day.

I know too many groomers in my past that would of just given in. And this is why customers act like this.


Those are not the kind of customers you want/need.

*if she called and said she was going to be late, I would of been a lot more accommodating. But she didn't. She knew she wasn't gonna be there on time and refused the later appointment because "she has to be home for dinner" she literally said that's why she couldn't come in at 5.

0 respect for my time.
@ch4dd There are way too many people looking for groomers right now to put up with this crap. I used to bend over backwards for people but no more. I'm happy you stood your ground.
@surrenderingtogod Seriously!!!! I use to as well. Not anymore. The other shop in town is closed 3 days a week including Saturdays because they have no groomers. The other shop closes at 5pm everyday and is understaffed as well.

I know my worth.

If you let customers do this shit, they do it everytime and expect more and more for less and less. Not worth my time or money. I have way more good clients than bad. I don't need to bend over backwards for anyone anymore
@ch4dd We had a similar situation. My co-worker called the client who was supposed to be in at 12, at 12:20. They said they were 10-15 minutes away because they "lived out of town" as if that gave them the ability to be late. Co-worker asked that they re-schedule. They got super mad and left a review for us claiming that they were only 5 minutes late and sitting out in the parking lot when they were called and asked to re-schedule. They left that review on our google, our facebook, whatever platform they could. Best part was a few of our loyal clients responded to it telling them that they're entitled and no other business would tolerate that lateness.
@livelifeliving33 Thankfully I don't think this lady even has a cell phone or knows how to leave a review.

Ahhaa omg ya this lady was like "I just moved here!!!!" As in that's good excuse for us to take her late a.f?? I live in a small town. You can drive through the town in 15 minutes. So that just made me not take her even more 😂 you just moved here and the furthest neighborhood from the shop is like 15 minutes. And you're still late. The audacity of some of these people man.
@ch4dd 👏SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK👏 too many idiots letting this people walk all over us. And while we’re on the subject, CHARGE FOR MATTED DOGS
@ch4dd That's one of the reasons I hate working at oetsmart. Majority of our pet parents are late or just no call no show but the company REFUSES to charge them! They (and we) could make so much money charging these ignorant people
@epsilonzeta As a former manager there, I used to fire customers who were frequently late or no showed. I got the DAT on my side because I would do the math of how much money they were costing us. Maybe try this approach?
@epsilonzeta I work at a different corporate and they said we should go ahead and take them up to an hour late?! Like, no? What if I'm supposed to go home? Or the store is closing? We get frequent no call no shows and extreme late arrivals too.