Stop ruining it for everyone else! Pick up your dog's poop


New member
There is a ball park that is 1 mile away from me that is perfect for throwing the ball, with no signs prohibiting dogs. Today, I was politely asked to use the parking area instead of the field, because the players are complaining of dog poop.
  1. The players should not have to deal with your dog's poop.
  2. The groundskeepers should not have to deal with your dog's poop.
  3. I should not have to deal with your dog's poop.
  4. You ruined my favorite ball park.
P.S. I'm happy to comply with the groundskeeper's requests because as much as it sucks, I completely understand.
@baldingdc I deal with the same problem in my complex. The co-op board already hates dogs and only people who moved in before 2012 are allowed dogs in their apartments unless you were grandfathered in.

Every time I take my dog out for a walk there are massive shits on the side walks in the grassy areas. I constantly have to be on the look out to make sure my dog doesn’t eat or inspect it too close.

It’s so annoying, like there are dog bag containers that attach to your leash that you can get almost anywhere so why don’t you use them to clean up after your pet?

And if you don’t want to or can’t then don’t have a dog because the other dog owners in this complex get penalized for it. Every ten feet there’s now a Keep Dog Off Grass sign, it’s such an eyesore around the neighborhood and definitely not a deterrent to the people who don’t care to look after their pets.
@william74 There are a lot of apartment complexes here in Minnesota that allow dogs and do this. I think it's great and I would have no problem with it if I was living in an apt.

It's just common courtesy to pick up your dog's poop.
@den12 Yep, it's not a money issue. My apartment complex has half a dozen dog waste stations that always have bags stocked, yet people are still blind to their existence and leave their dog poop to cook in the sun.
@verdecia Sometimes u don't even need the thing that attaches to the leash in my neighborhood and park area they have them for you on signs or their own post like it would be so easy their is even a little trashcan.
@verdecia We have a dog run area on our building's rooftop. There is a poop bag dispenser and trashcan right next to the gate as you walk in.

Over a year, I still see numerous piles of poop even though there are plenty of poop bags 10' away.

People are just so lazy. Maybe these are the same people who only shower once every 3 days, or don't wipe if it felt like a solid log. I have no idea.
@billyallen50 Accidentally dropped it and didn't notice, it fell off the clip as they walked, they set it down while they sorted their dog out and forgot it - there's a million ways to leave something behind. If it's in a bag, then I always assume it's on the ground by accident, because if they're willing to bag it I assume they're responsible enough to throw it away.

Of course it's also possible it's just lazy people who can't find a trash can and don't want to carry it all the way home.