Stella and Chewy Red Meat Kibble

My 4 yo choco lab just started having huge, loose stools and sudden diarrhea & vomiting after opening and eating his meals from a new bag of the Red Meat w Ancient Grains and freeze-dried raw kibble. He normally eats the grain free version of this without the freeze-dried raw pellets and that never bothered him before. So we went and bought Red Meat with grains but no freeze-dried nuggets just to test if a fresh/different bag would work. Same ... Diarrhea! Could it be a new S&C formula with different vitamins?? Started happening day 4-5 of meals out of each bag. Interesting that the grain-free has 32% protein but the raw kibble with grains has 27% so it doesn't look like it's a problem with too much protein. Maybe the grain free is not as rich?
@patrick_garber2006 Could be a bad batch of food, could have been a punctured or NOT airtight bag that got moisture inside which caused spoilage

Contact S&C with the lot number explaining your dog has eaten this stuff before perfectly fine, or just try to return the bag to the retailer and get another, or something else

If the diarrhea persists on and past the 3rd day, maybe see the vet for a stool test. Stool got better after a day or two on a new bag or different food? Maybe it was the food, or something random, but regardless you reported / returned the food