Spending standards are different for our dogs. Who thinks the same?

@zach_ I have pet insurance as well but unfortunately, I got it after he was a year old and he had bouts of unexplained diarrhea when he was a puppy so I’m guessing they’ll waive it as a preexisting condition this time if I try to file a claim for this
@brookem I paid a lot for my puppy but I think in the 3 months we’ve had her we’ve spent nearly as much on her care, treats, toys, and other items! Worth it! But now when people ask me about dog ownership I let them know that if they’re shocked by the initial price, wait til they see what they spend on the dog after a year 🙈
@brookem I won’t spend 20$ on new clothes for myself, even when my things are falling apart, but I will totally buy my chihuahua a new sweater when I see something cute.
@candiedenise Yes!! Exactly lol I’m always quick to buy toys, new blankets, etc for him like I wouldn’t even really think twice about it. But when I’m checking out a pair of shoes online, I’m going back and forth rethinking if I should spend this money.
@brookem I mean.. I would be concerned if a pet owner wasn’t prioritizing money that way. If you prioritize a new pair of shoes over taking your dog to the vet…. Don’t own a dog please. I get that running shoes are a bit more important and necessary than something like high heels but like, I would say that medical expenses should be above even running/hiking/exercise equipment.
@brookem Money is tight personally for me right now. But we have a stressful trip tomorrow to make so you bet I went and bought one of his favorite dog treats and filler for his Kong. I'll be scrimping on groceries a bit but I don't want him stressed too much!
@brookem Oh same here, 100%.

New work boots for £150? Hmm... I'll have to mull it over for a few weeks

Trainer finally has space for a 2 week residential after I've waited for 6 months, for £650+? Sure, pick him up this weekend 👌🏻 😂
@brookem Cost of living crisis has hit… I’ve cut back on the gym, my hair, my nails, cut back on my food shopping, I avoid using the heating and the dryer.

I still buy my pup new toys every couple of weeks (he likes to shred small plushies), buy him treats and have switched to a slightly more expensive food.
@brookem This is because your dog matters, like truly matters, yet you know in your brain you don’t truly NEED those shoes and therefore control the impulse because it doesn’t matter as much. Sounds like your doggo has a great owner!!

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