Something else to consider about Crate Training

@xcskierboy After doing years of research on crate training, I decided it was right for when I get my pup.

So 1week into having my rottweiler pup home..he started to like the crate and have seen him go in by himself, which was great. However he's also comfortable taking a PEEE IN THERE! I've also got a divider in it to make it smaller, however that hasn't helped much. I've even witnessed him going in to releive himself!

On top of this, in his enclosed area he seems to like going on the carpet (disposable) during the day, rather than the pee pads that he uses at night (crate door open at night given his behaviour). Also worth noting he was raised for the first 8wks in an open room and breeder allowed the dogs to pee on a towel so presuming he's got that nature from there!

Must be also said I take him out regularly and he probably pees more outside than in. And I regularly soak it up and spray down on a daily basis. Guess this is going to be a long road, just hope it doesn't go downhill once I go back to work!

Any advice would be awesome.

@alej My first guess would be that you have too much room in your crate. Try blocking off the back of it with a box or something safe that they can't eat and get hurt by. The other guess would be that he's not getting out enough? How old is he ? The rule of thumb is something like pups can be in their crate for 1 hour per month of age until like 5-6 months at which point 5-6 hours is the max any dog should be created during the day aside from emergencies.
@princess34 Dogs have gotten their collars caught on their kennel and choked and died while no one is home. It’s not even a freak accident, it happens somewhat regular.

If you have a breakaway collar, the odds are less. But you’re still better off leaving the collar off while locked in the kennel.

There’s a lot of sad stories that you can read if you want to ruin your day.
@princess34 I think it has something to do with the collar getting stuck on the cage or something. I remember reading it, but I can't remember why. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.
@xcskierboy I give my puppers most of their treats while they're in the crates. I'll hold up the treats, they'll go into their crates, and then I"ll walk away from the crate without shutting the door. Then when I need them to go in there because we're leaving or something, I get their treats, they go into their crates, I give them treats and then calmly close their crates telling them what good babies they are.

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