Should I get a 5 month old or 8 weeks?

@mamckay41 We just adopted a 5-6 month old puppy and it's been super easy. She has had a couple accidents but is super chill. I'd recommend going older especially after seeing all the nightmare posts on here.
@mamckay41 I’m one week into life with my new puppy (he’s 9 weeks today) and I have been a ball of nerves all week. I have lost 3kgs from stress.

And he’s been quite a good boy...

I knew it would be a challenge but didn’t expect this. He’s my first dog too - poor thing has seen me cry so much
@mamckay41 We took in a 14 year old farm dog a few years ago. He wasn't kept in the house unless weather was bad. (He had a heated house to get into in the winter, and plenty of cool spots in summer.) It took a few weeks for him to relax and discover that house life was awesome. He then started to lay at our feet in the evenings, and a few months later came to sleep in the bedroom at night. And even enjoyed the adventure of two camping trips with us. Bonding isn't that the dog sticks to you like glue, but that they respect you because you respect them, and look to you to know how to proceed in an unknown situation. I see our dogs do this often for new sounds and situations. So age is not a factor with bonding. Training is a big part of learning to communicate with your dog, no matter how old it is. Our one year old is outside constantly. But comes in and checks in periodically while we watch tv. Then is outside again. But does cuddle up to us to sleep.
@mamckay41 Good luck!!! Glad to hear you chose the 5 month old as that’s what I would’ve recommended too. Puppies are cute at 8 weeks but so overwhelming where they’re SO dependent, and they don’t really bond or give anything back til they’re a bit older anyway.
My parents dog was 1 when we got her and the bond is like no other, it’s not to do with age it’s just to do with time and what you put in 😊

Again BEST OF LUCK and enjoy the pup 💗💗
@mamckay41 The first 3 months are crucial for socializing and training. Having an 8 week old puppy is hard work, but being able to mold them is important. A 5 month old puppy is already set in his ways, and you have personally missed the crucial 14-16 week socializing period. No idea what to expect from a 5 month.

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