Separation Anxiety


New member

I have a 7 month old Pomeranian that has separation anxiety. She is fixed, crate trained and I work about 8~9 hours a day on average. She's fine if I am here, even if she's in her crate. I can usually drape a blanket over her crate if she's upset for some reason and she hushes.

Due to a roommate bailing on me, something that I didn't see coming, and my car being broken, I can't come back during lunch just yet to walk her midday. This will be my goal later once car is fixed but at the moment is sadly not feasible.

Because I cannot come during lunch right now, she gets put into my bathroom with pads to use until I return because I wouldn't want her to stand in pee/poop in her crate. This doesn't really go too well, she tends to still pee/poop on the floor, even pulling the pads aside to do so. I assume that goes into her separation anxiety as well. I scrub the bathroom down every evening when I return.

She barks profusely for several minutes after I leave, which I just received a complaint from my apartment neighbor about. I've tried to give her treats when I put her in there but it doesn't seem to help very much - she'll eat them and then start screaming again. She has always been like this about me, even since her first week home.

I don't want to disturb my neighbor but this is honestly something I couldn't have prepared for or anticipated and I'm doing all I know to do. I have given her half a children's dose of chewable benadryl but it seemed to just make her a bit sleepy and that was it. She still got really torn up when I left and took awhile to quiet down.

This is honestly a temporary situation and not something that will be ongoing long term. About a month or less longer. I haven't been able to exercise her much due to the weather and temperatures, she is very intolerant of the heat and gorges on water afterward or during making herself sick for several hours So i typically just let her play in my apartment.

I'm looking for any advice at all. I don't want to Medicate her, so I'd prefer some training advice on reducing her anxiety. I'm thinking of maybe walking her at 5am (I usually leave at 9~10 or so, inconsistent work schedule) But her energy bounces back so quickly, I don't know if it'd have her tired at all by the time I left :( I have seen her play hard for 3+ hours straight, sit for a moment, and then have every bit of It back. It gets SUPER stuffy and hot as early as 7 and I feel like it'd just make her sick.