Separation anxiety support

@joe27 Aw thank you for your response and feedback- I really appreciate it. We have tried the shirts/clothes as well but not successful (yet? Fingers crossed!) I am happy to hear your doggie is doing better!
@nogamenolife What a cutie! Sorry to hear about that! Have you tried cbd? We haven’t dealt with SA with our pup but sometimes if we notice that she starts panting when we pack our bags and we give her a bit of cbd oil or a bit of an Edibite and she usually just relaxes/dozes off. Our pup is on paxil for general anxiety and Xanax for some situations like vets or new environments. We’ve found that Xanax hasn’t been as effective as cbd.. not sure why.
@nogamenolife I have a SA pup as well so totally sympathize with how frustrating and exhausting it can be. Our dog howled and would pace/sit by the front door the whole time never being able to settle. For us going through a few med options before finding the right one is what really really helped. First, we started with Prozac which did not suit him, he stopped eating which I know is a common symptom but he was already underweight because of his irritable bowel disease so the vet pulled it. Then we got him on Clomicalm which helped when we left for shorter periods and stopped the vocalization but did not hold up for attempts away for over an hour. We then added gabapentin which also helped but we could not get past a 2-hour threshold. Finally, our behaviorist also prescribed trazodone to be given 1 hour before we were planning on being away for 2+ hours. This was the trick. I have now left him for 3.5 hours and he actually SLEEPS and calmy hangs out which I never ever thought would ever happen. Giving him traz on longer periods away actually also helped when we left him for shorter periods without the trazodone because he now sleeps when he is alone for shorter periods to.

All this to say even if you are doing all the right training protocols often you need meds to get you ove the finish line. Are you working with a behaviorist? If not I would highly suggest it because they will be able to help you work through the exact right cocktail for your dog since they are all different.

All this to say even if you are doing all the right training protocols often you need meds to get you over the finish line. This was 100% true for us. Are you working with a behaviorist? If not I would highly suggest it because they will be able to help you work through the exact right cocktail for your dog since they are all different.
@jacobcarter I would agree with this. We have had her on Prozac since last summer and I don’t think there has been any real difference. The clonodine PRN helped some but 2 was way too much. It’s definitely tricky. We work with a separation anxiety specialist and arranged a vet to vet consult between our regular vet and a behavioral vet to discuss meds. Our next step is to go back to the vet and try another medication that they vet behavioralist suggested. Thanks for your suggestions!