Rescue dog behavior advice please ..

Hi folks.... we have a behaviorist scheduled to meet with our pomapoo and us but the appointments a few months away — it’s very hard to find a behaviorist who isn’t booked a few months out. And so I have a problem with “K Dog” which is he jumps up to our bed and curls up on my husbands pillow when I go to bed. My hubs is still downstairs and watching tv. Etc for at least an hour and a half when I go up to bed and K knows this. When my hubs comes up he has a bit of a hard time getting him to get down.... K has snapped at us more than once so we don’t try to nudge him off we only say “Get down” a few times and pull the blanket that he’s on and he eventually gets down. I don’t know why K keeps doing this. Every night. Advice ? TIA
@kirstenlovesjesus If you know he’s going to do it, stop it before he tries to jump. Maybe put his dog bed or crate in the room and put him there first and make him stay there before you get in bed yourself.

I can tell when my dog is thinking about getting on the couch when she starts looking at it and wiggling her butt, getting ready to jump, but before she does it, I say “no” and redirect her attention to go somewhere else.

Once he’s up there, he’s resource guarding, so you need to cut it off before he even gets up there.
Thank you. Great thinking - I never thought of that, it being resource guarding once he’s up on the bed. I do have him go to his crate beforehand but we don’t close the door so if he wants to walk out, he does. I’ll keep my eye on him tomorrow night and catch him before he jumps up and have him go back to his crate.