Request to participate in study


New member
Hello all,

I am undertaking MS computing science at the university of Glasgow and as part of my thesis I am undertaking this semester, I created a mobile app for dog owners who visit dog parks and I am evaluating the same. Please help me by filling out a 15 minute questionnaire.

The app is all about dogs and for dogs. It is like a facebook for dogs where one can friend other dog owners and see when those friends with their pet( what breed, gender and age) arrive at the park. You can therefore, decide for your pet to visit the park and play with the friend. It also shows total count of the dogs present at the park at any moment. Other than this, one can set goals for their dog while at the park to complete for a positive dog park experience and also select events to attend they like for their dog like birthday party or puppy play party.

So, If you are a dog owner and visits park, please take out 20 minutes to take part in the study. I basically need your input/feedback to analyze how well the app is received by the people who are eventually going to use it and possibly improve upon it.

First please watch a demo of the mobile app here. It will take 6 minutes.

Then, you fill out a questionnaire which will take about 15 minutes of your time.