Repeated Calls

@godswillservices I hate these people. We are literally a business. Would they do this to a doctors office or other appointment type business? How would they like it if we did this to them when they're not on time to pick up a pet? If we had availability that day, we'd be on phones. Just leave us alone.
@godswillservices If you can (doesn’t stop them from calling but will be less interruptive) turn the volume on the ring down so that when you don’t really hear it unless one of you is actually near it (while the Vm says something along the lines of we’re busy handling pets right now but will call back by the end of business day, during business hours or something like that) so unless you are in “reception” mode you won’t be bothered by it.
@godswillservices Just have a message that's says the answering times and call back times. And the machine does not take messages. Use the caller ID to call any numbers back that called.

We had split shifts where I worked and this method worked for us.