Red bumps in dogs ear


New member
My dog is a


1 years old



The symptom has appeared today and last time lasted 2 weeks or so

I'm in DFW Texas area

So the last time the red bumps were diagnosed as a yeast infection and we were given Mometemax Otic Solution to put in his ears every day for 7 days. It took about 2 and a half weeks and almost emptying the bottle for it to clear up. About 2 weeks after the clear up he had a scheduled check up and his ears broke out again 2 days before it, it was at least convenient then as he could have them checked while we were there.

I think it's worth noting the vet was different from the last one who diagnosed him with a yeast infection. So anyways I figured they'd find more yeast but nothing was found so she pretty much said it's allergies and to give him what was left of the Mometemax and some allergy medicine.

It's been almost 2 months since then and we've been giving him allergy medicine the whole time, but just today his ears started to break out with the red bumbs again. I'd rather ask for advice here before going to the vet just to have inconclusive results again and being told nothing is wrong.

The bumps don't seem to bother him and he's acting normal. He's eating, drinking water, and playing as he always does. Could I get some help?

Here's the bumps, they start out like this but last time they grew in number so I assume these will too. They didn't cover his entire ear but they spread and stayed that way for the whole 2 weeks.

Anyone else have this happen with their dog? What was the diagnosis?
@kentuckyblue Sometimes my dog gets bumps like these that seem to be linked with overactivity, lots of play, getting overheated etc. Does your dog get a lot of playtime in with other dogs or anything like that? My dog also once got hives all over his body that must have come from some random bug or plants in a friends back yard. Gave him benadryl until it cleared up.

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