Recently video’d my dog while the wife and I went to lunch. Help?


New member
So we got Rigatoni (Toni) 3 days ago from the shelter. He’s a black lab, border collie mix and he’s a GREAT boy. He sleeps in his crate with basically no issue. We noticed recently though that when he’s left alone in the crate, even with a kong of frozen peanut butter, he seems to be trying to escape. He beat up his face a little on the crate trying to get out so we figured that we would leave for lunch and video what he does.

He basically cries and barks for about five minutes, including biting at his cage, and then lays down/plays with his toys for a few minutes. Then he seemingly gets bored and starts over with the crying and trying to escape. Rinse and repeat.
Try to escape, play with toys.

My intuition is telling me he just needs more stimulation but we’re already giving him frozen stuffed kongs and his highest value toys. Like I said he has no problem being in the crate when we’re here with him or sleeping in the room near him.

He’s also very well exercised, at least as much as we’ve been told we can give him since he was neutered last week.

Any help would be super appreciated.
@home4good Thanks! We left the house for about an hour and left him with a kong and the living room TV on and he was asleep when we got home, seemingly no issues :)
@ava1453 Oh come on. You got the dog 3 days ago. Both you and your place are still completely new to him. You, he’s getting used to as provider, however the place, on his own, without a built routine which would let him know that you are actually coming back, is still spooky. Give that dog some time to settle in rather than looking for quick fixes. A scared dog isn’t going to eat, so a Kong won’t help. He needs to settle in before you leave him alone. And then you build that up starting with a few minutes at a time.