Reassurance - Kennel Cough


New member
Our 1-year-old mutt (she turns 1 on Saturday :)) has what we believe is kennel cough.

It developed about 18 hours ago, with a hacking every 15 minutes or so. 3-4 times she's coughed up about a quarter size of white foam. Beyond this, she's been her normal energetic self, and has had no loss of appetite, and no discharge from eyes or nose (besides standard morning eye boogers).

I was really nervous last night. Our old dog, who we said goodbye to last March after 10 years, never had kennel cough - and of course you see the spectrum of possibilities online. After waking up at 7:30am, she was no worse than last night, which is good.

8am this morning, I called her vet. They weren't able to do a visit today, but did prescribe Doxycycline (antibiotic) and Guaifenesin/dextromethorphan (Cough Tabs) with instructions to call/get her in if she progresses any worse.

Given her age, and the fact that she a) isn't seeming to get any worse so far and b) is now on medication (though I know that the antibiotic might not do anything) - I'm feeling generally more relieved, but would still appreciate any reassurance anyone can give. She's in her kennel right now with a blanket over it as usual and a light humidifier pointed in.

This sweet girl has been through so much. Last May she broke her front right leg and had to have surgery due to the location of the fracture, that's all healed now. We're just a bit bummed, we were going to have some friends over on Saturday to celebrate her birthday and now we're unsure if that's the best idea.
@roger2000 I’ve had a few foster dogs come to me with kennel cough. It’s always cleared up quickly, and without issue, with a round of antibiotics. Unless she gets worse, I don’t think there’s any reason to worry.