R.I.P to my best friend Jake

@hana14 I am so sorry for your loss. Dogs dying is probably the worst. But I know from what you wrote that you have good memories of him. Remember those and cherish them. I know it won't help but you gave Jake a wonderful life. I am sure.
@hana14 So sorry to read about Jake's passing. Losing a dog that you love is like having a piece of your heart ripped away. Been through it twice and not much helps except time and friends who get it. You obviously loved Jake a lot and gave him a great life. He was as lucky to have you as you were to have him.

We have a 12 year old pit bull who has lots of medical issues, so I can relate. When the time comes for Stanley to go, it's going to be pretty rough. I give him lots of kisses and hugs every day (and treats).

Hang in there. All the people who read this sub get it and are sending out good vibes to you.

Can you post a pic of Jake?