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Does anyone else’s ACD have these similar quirks? My boy is just over a year old.
  1. Food driven, loves treats, but scoffs if you try to feed him in a bowl. He prefers to be challenged with enrichment food puzzles and gets bored of getting the same ones in a row, so naturally we have 5 different ones to cycle through.
  2. Super excited to see you, but too wriggly to pet or cuddle. In fact, rarely stays still at all
  3. Only knows how to relax in his crate or when you give him his “off command”
  4. Can go potty (pee & poo) on command
  5. Somehow learned the names of his cat siblings & mom/dad
  6. Believes it’s his job to bark at every.single.thing
  7. Hates his harness
  8. Super chewer. Nothing can survive these jaws meant to destroy. Not even Bark Box Super Chewer toys
@dlyssesuouglas Mine is pretty much the exact opposite of everything you listed.
  1. Obsessed with food and literally drools from the mouth when her food is in the bowl before I say "take it". Even with a slow feeder, it's gone in less than a minute.
  2. We're active for a few hours every day, but otherwise she stays still and sleeps like 80% of the day
  3. She loves her crate. It's in my bedroom with the crate door permanently open, and she lies down to sleep right away when she goes inside
  4. Nope, it's when she wants.
  5. Not applicable for me
  6. Gives a quick attention bark maybe once a month, if that. She's silent 99.99% of the time.
  7. This one is kind of similar. She turns her head away when I put it on, but otherwise she doesn't give me any trouble.
  8. I throw out toys because they get dirty, not because she destroys them. She loves chewing, but never to destroy.
pup tax
@dlyssesuouglas I rarely even give her treats. She's obsessed with her normal kibble, it's what I use for training as well. She goes wild for it. I've never seen a dog so crazy for kibble. I need to take advantage of this blessing for as long as I can, so I avoid "high-value" treats (once she gets a taste of the good life, there's no going back). She gets some peanut butter when she's an especially good girl though.
@dlyssesuouglas Yes! My girl is just about 2. She’s extremely food driven, loves pretty much everything, including most vegetables, she definitely prefers to eat her meals from enrichment puzzles. She gets sooo hyped to see me or my husband, that she will jump in the air to shoulder height, it’s quite impressive. She knows her cat siblings names/momma/daddy. She also absolutely hates her harness, she acts like it is painful, she shows the same behaviour towards doggie sweaters/shirts and used to be the same about bandanas but I finally got her to wear them recently.
@dlyssesuouglas Funny how they can be so similar yet so different.
  1. My friends ACD is exactly like this. Will refuse a bowl but loves the puzzles. Mine eats anything, anytime, anywhere but gets puzzles most often.
  2. When he’s excited he is never still, he loves to spin in circles. I’ve found the way to pet him is to put him in a stay, also the only way I can get a hug.
  3. My guy is pretty calm and sleepy most days. He lays around if we’re not actively doing anything. He loved to relax in his crate as a baby but not anymore.
  4. We worked on potty commands for agility and long car rides. He understood potty training as pee as soon as you touch grass so I never really need them.
  5. We taught him mom and dad for playing hide and seek in the house. He picked up his cat sisters name quickly and takes it upon himself to chase her off if she gets yelled at (scratching the carpet, furniture, etc.) He knows the names of all his dog and human friends as well.
  6. He barks if anyone comes up to the house to let us know. He loves to bark at random times, especially during play. He is pretty loud.
  7. Mine doesn’t like the harness but will tolerate it.
  8. Definitely a super chewer. He is currently recovering from a tooth extraction. Now idea what he broke it chewing on. He understands not to destroy his toys as it makes me upset. He ripped the hat off a toy before and brought it to me with the guiltiest look on his face. Of course I don’t punish him for it.
@egmiller So funny! My husband has taught him to react to “let me love you” as sit tight for a bit so we can give you love! Ditto on the chasing cat siblings to “help”. Hoping up heals quickly from his tooth extraction!
@dlyssesuouglas When he gets zoomy on a walk, I bring him in, have him sit, hand gesture and say "calm it down," and he always makes a huffing noise at me like, "fine, then. You're no fun!"

Mine is not a chewer at all -- still has most of his baby toys!
@dlyssesuouglas Newest discovery is that he reacts to me saying 'hello?' because he thinks I'm talking to someone, but he doesn't know who or where. He's very wary of strangers (we're working on it), so I'm just constantly and randomly saying 'hello' as if I'm talking to someone and giving him treats.

He also prefers a fresh bowl of cold water.
@falconeye So crazy! Mine has recently learned when I say “bye!” on work calls (I work from home) it means I’m done with my call and am likely getting up so high chance of pets or play time. They are so incredibly smart.
@dlyssesuouglas Ahh! My ACD is very similar, she's a little over a year:
1. Only food driven if it's cheese, free feeds out of a bowl though.
2. She gets soo mad when I come home and don't say hi, she barks incredibly loud until I go see her. When I do say hi to her she jumps way high until I put her in a down stay to calm her down enough for pets haha.
3. Never relaxes. Sometimes at the end of the day if we're lucky lol.
4. Only goes potty outside on command with me, still working on potty training unfortunately.
5. Knows everyone's name in the household, including my boyfriend (who she's way more excited to see than me).
6. Demand barks for potty and play, also barks at things outside.
7. Acts like she hates it when I bring it out, but once it's on she's all for walkies and forgets it's there.
8. Total destroyer, she loves to tear things up but never finishes actual chews. Her favorite game is steal my socks and hide them when I'm not paying attention to her.
So goofy but adorable, she also loves to get right behind you before you sit on the couch, and parkours anything she can jump on haha. Love that dog but gosh I can't wait for her to settle a bit more with age :')