Question about training and taking an extended break


New member
My wife and I have a GSD who is coming up on 1 year. When he was 16 weeks we hired a trainer for him to help with obedience, and to help us as this is our first dog! After 1 month of training the lady who we were working with suggested we take a break from working with him u til he was older and able to learn more. The break lasted from June 1st until October. After that She has only done 4 more classes with him and wants him to grow out of his "fear stages". Is this common for GSD trainers or should we look into a different training company for our boy?
@countryboy14 What is it you want to accomplish with training for your pup?

I'd be inclined to say that training is always ongoing, however your trainer is not making up the gear stages, and training should be adjusted during the fear periods in order to focus on positive associations with the world around, and limit intensive training that might be too much during that time. I do not however see the need to take extensive months completely off from training.

To meet training is always happening. Everytime I walk in the door I am training my pup to not jump by giving him a treat for being relaxed on his bed. Every walk is a training opportunity when another dog passes by and I give a reward for not having a reaction. Daily we take five minutes if sitting by the window and practicing not barking at people walking by. Every couple days we work on cooperative care which is training for brushing and nail trims etc. Training is always ongoing, but we don't do intensive traditional 'obedience training' rather life skills training.

What are your goals for your pup, and is this trainer helping you meet them? Or helping you evaluate if the goals are realistic based on your pups age and individual personality and quirks?
@countryboy14 Some old school german trainers used to not do much obedience training on their dogs for the first year. Then they'd get started with schutzhund training.

I like to continue training all the time with short breaks as needed. I adjust the training when they are going in & out of fear periods. There is second once around 6-9 months that is pretty critical, but positive training experiences are usually okay. Each dog is different though.

Whether or not you should seek a different trainer, depends on what they told you to do in the mean time and why. I'd be asking lots of detailed questions for any break like that. Specifically what it is supposed to accomplish, how do you deal with issues during the break, what you should and shouldn't do and why to start with. If the trainer doesn't have good explanations and willing to answer any and all questions, then find a different one.

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