Puppy wants what other dog has- excessive barking


New member

New puppy, E, less than 15 weeks old she’s been with me for about 2 weeks adopted from local AS. Everything seems to be going well, potty training is pretty solid and crate training is progressing. Getting better about listening and jumping and demanding food.

I have a problem with what I think is demand barking for items held by my older pup. Since getting her I’ve made sure to buy things that are safe for both girls so they often end up switching toys/bully sticks/chewies and usually without issues.

Problem becomes when my old girl (P) is actively chewing on hers and the baby decides she no longer wants to keep chewing on the one she has and wants P’s, that age old tale. Excessive and very loud barking will then take place until I remove the item entirely. I’ve ignored it before for up to 20 minutes before to see how long it would go, P won’t correct her for just barking but will if E actually makes a move and E doesn’t seem to have an off switch or a threshold for stopping on her own.

Taking (via a trade) the item from P doesn’t seem fair to me and it doesn’t actually solve the problem because once the item is back in play then we are right back to it. P has some separation anxiety and while she will go to my room and chew I can’t really shut her in because of this but if I don’t shut her in then E can get to her.

What should I be doing here? I don’t want to punish P by never letting her have these things again (not really looking to punish E either) but I’m at a loss. Bully sticks have been a lifesaver with me wfh and a puppy, it is the only thing that will keep her occupied for any period of time that I’m not able to entertain her. Leaving E in the crate is also not really feasible because she is so little and we are still working through the crate fear and I am also afraid of it feeling like a punishment for E (ie sis gets a treat and I get stuck in my crate).

Thank you!