Puppy walking in C shape since grooming


New member
I’m going to post this in other subs too, but maybe you professional ladies have experienced something like this before. We took our 16 week old Maltipoo for her first grooming 3 days ago, hoping we could just get rid of a few inches but sadly she had some matting (my fault) so the groomer advised to shave her off all the way. The whole procedure was super stressful for her- she was crying and barking the entire time.
Since I took her home she’s been walking in a C shape and crying while walking all the time. We took her to a vet today and he couldn’t find any physical damage to her skin or bones, but gave her some painkiller. She hasn’t been herself in general, cries a lot, barks randomly and keep sniffing/licking around her bum and tail area. Can it be trauma or she’s just not used to being without her long hair yet?
@johnbiggs Puppies who are shaved for their very first grooming experience generally react poorly to it. It's a ton of sensory overload for them and if the matting was really tight to the skin it can cause sensitivity. Also the very first time I did a full sani trim on one of my dogs she walked bow legged for 3 days because she didn't like the feeling of it. Your pup will be fine.
@johnbiggs Honestly just sounds like pretty tight matting. It is actually pretty common for dogs to not act themselves right after it is removed. Shaving matting can be painful. Give it some time and don’t forget to brush her once it starts growing back.
@unsurewife17 I was scared for her so i stayed. Groomers told me at the very end that next time i shouldnt stay cause it puts extra stress on her. I’m still new to this pup parent life and wanted to be there to support her😅
@johnbiggs I get that you wanted to stay to support her but know that most of the time dogs get more stressed when their owners are there. So the symptoms are definitely weird and I don't really have anything to say about that but I recommend having her go to the groomers more often to get her desensitized since her first appointment could've been traumatic and you want to get that out of the way as quickly as possible and not have her next appointment be a shave again and she getting stressed again. I would get her in for a bath and tidy in a few weeks just so she knows it isn't all bad
@johnbiggs Don't feel bad about it. In the moment you did what you thought was right there's nothing wrong with that :). Now that you know better you've learned from it. Also always ask the groomers how it went and if there are things you can work on at home. I will always tell this to my clients but not all groomers do since most people honestly don't care. I really enjoy working together with clients and when dogs are difficult try and find a way with the owner to fix it. Good luck with your pup and her whole grooming journey ♥️
@johnbiggs I know it sounds unbelievable and crazy, HER TAIL IS SCARING HER; she has never been able to feel her tail before and now that she’s naked, she can. She’s okay, she’ll get used to it. It just tickles and startles, especially if she’s already a timid baby.
@johnbiggs Maybe they did her anal glands or the matting was a bit tight around her butt area.

I'd have her anal glands checked by the vet and if they rule that out put a cone on her and get a recommendation from the vet on a butt soothing cream.
@slappy1402 Dad here - we went to the vet today, he did check her anal glands. A cone might be a good idea, we will go to the vet again if this doesnt get any better tomorrow..
@jerlvster Try putting a shirt on her. I’m 90% sure it’s the fact that her tail is touching her. I’ve seen it so many times and have had countless dogs freak out the second the hair on the backend is removed and their tail touches that skin.
@johnbiggs Please take better care of your dog. Grooming will most likely continue to be challenging for her moving forward. She must have experienced a great deal or trauma.. brush and comb her regularly to also help desensitize her to the stress from being handled in this way.