Puppy REFUSES to pee outside

@4theloveofgod1 Could it be a substrate issue? What kind of surface is she peeing on vs where are you putting her down to pee? Can you try different textures for her feet? Like, get a nice big square sample of the surface type she pees on inside and take that outside when you know she needs to pee and see if she will go on it. Then, at least you’ll have a starting point.
@4theloveofgod1 I had a similar issue with my dog. Get a book and a bag of treats, go outside with them, and now you wait for as long as it takes so you can stuff their face with treats when they finally go and build the right associations

First time for my dog took 4hrs, but he picked it up pretty quickly after that
@4theloveofgod1 Puppy days! What I did was take her out every 2 hours and indoors she was in a designated play pen or a crate. She was never in a position to pee without me interrupting her with a "hey!!" Grab her while she is peeing and take her outside. Clean and take the pee outside and then clean enzymatically.

Mine wasn't opposed to outside pee, she just thought inside and outside were equally good for the first couple times. Then when inside got rudely interrupted and outside got "good potty" and a treat she learned quick that outside is the good one.

Since yours is having trouble with the first outside I'd (assuming she's vaxxed and safe to be around other dogs) take her to a dog park or area where there is tons of dog scent for her to get excited about. Also the example of other dogs doing outside pee. If you see outside pee from her or anyone else praise them like an idiot "oh good potty, good girl oh yes aren't you the best little girl ever" or whatever so your dog is getting the idea that peeing outside is peak performance
@4theloveofgod1 Keep chipping away at it. She is still very young and is learning. She will get the hang of it. Some dogs just take longer than others to learn things. She will have accidents. I know it is stressful but it has only been a few days. Everything and everyone around her is brand new so she's not even sure what's going on. You are not doing anything wrong! It's just a learning curve all puppies go through! By the way, congratulations on your new puppy! I've always loved Cavaliers!
@4theloveofgod1 It took a LONG time to potty train my pup. Probably because I couldn’t take her out every hour like some folks recommend when first potty training. Eventually my pup got it. I don’t think there was really any magic, just time, patience, and consistency. I did take her out every few hours and once she did it I would say loudly “good girl great job” and give her a treat. To this day I still say “good girl great job” after each time she goes potty. Potty training is so hard, I absolutely still vividly remember crying and feeling like I couldn’t handle it (with the sleep deprivation and what not). It may take time and I am sure your little one will get it! Just wishing you both the best on the journey together!
@4theloveofgod1 Try a litter box of gravel/dirt right by the door. Take her out to try doing her potty outside (in a litter box of gravel/dirt), tell her “go potty” as she’s in the outside box, then if she doesn’t and you bring her inside, place her in the inside litter box. Hopefully she squats in the inside box. Then switch the boxes so the used box is outside. Next time she’ll smell the used box and start going outside. Make her a potty spot with the same type of litter.

It’s more work, but she start smelling her spots, recognize the litter and go in it. Gradually you will get rid of the inside box as she goes outside more. When I lived in an apartment I had a peke that I trained to a litter box for when I was at work, he did his business both there and outside.
@4theloveofgod1 We also have a super sweet Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Potty training was the WORST! They are a stubborn bread!

Personally, ours was raised in an outside kennel by a very sweet Amish family. They were never kept inside. They were never housebroken. I imagine that the whole kennel just potties wherever they are. No help from momma doggie either. It’s a shame, they are such a loving little breed!

For our little one, he just simply didn’t “know” where he was supposed to be going potty. Carpets seemed to be his preference 🤷🏻‍♀️. We would take him out to potty, same place, no play, short leash. Try again later if he didn’t go. I think it helped when we left his poop there too. Instead of bagging it up, we left it for a few days to build up the scent. Gross, yes, but better than finding a pile in the dining room! Treats when he potties.

Please be patient and persistent. Our little one finally figured it out and now he NEVER has accidents! Now, he is simply the best! 🤞🏼🍀
@4theloveofgod1 You 100% have to stay outside until she potties.

Needs to be on a leash so she can't go anywhere. This is not playtime this is not smell time. I've had to stay outside with my dog for HOURS when she was a puppy and potty training her. I also kennel trained her. If she doesn't potty, in the kennel she goes. Starts whining? Bring her outside again on leash until she goes potty. No potty? Back into the kennel. There is no playtime inside at all whatsoever if she didn't potty outside. You can only play after you've pottied outside.

Puppies potty regularly. One month equals roughly one our. A two month old puppy will have to potty every two hours. Every time they wake up, the first thing they do is potty. After every bout of playtime they'll have to potty. You have to be diligent. Kennel needs to be a regular thing until she gets the hang of the potty training.

I'm sure it's possible to potty train without using a kennel. I have not potty trained a dog without kennel training, so I have no advice on that front.
@4theloveofgod1 I have 3 CKCS. They are kinda hard to get potty trained when they are puppies but stick with it! I promise it will get better. Keep a schedule and when puppers finally goes outside, praise ! Good luck! Wishing you the best!
@4theloveofgod1 Just watched a movie called rescued by ruby where the lead finally got his shelter dog to pee outside by peeing outside in front of her. Movie was based on a true story, not sure about that particular part…
@4theloveofgod1 Rule of thumb: puppies can generally hold their bladder for one hour for every month of age, up to a maximum of about 8 hours. This combined with crate training and proper supervision should solve the problem.
@4theloveofgod1 Try including walking training at this point too the dog needs to exercise exercise stimulates the body to release things just like with people if you're stuck in bed for a while you tend to get constipated your body needs to move around there are so many cents to overwhelm her little brain on a walk she'll definitely go to the bathroom.

We also were very quick to as soon as the dog begins to urinate outside immediately start to say go pee pee good girl good boy praise and continue to call it what you want to call it same with pooping that way you can reward that I'm a good boy went poopy and give him a cookie or a piece of biscui saw stupid but I have cats too so I just use cat food to streets cause you know it's a forbidden food in here one dry cat food colonel is nothing to a dog. Good luck
@4theloveofgod1 my older dog likes to play a little before she can poo [in our yard] and on walks she has always preferred pine needles or anything other than grass. not a big grass fan at all. try to see if there's variety around and definitely do more walks/treats. 4 days isn't a long time, it will happen. stay positive! the pup is learning.

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