Puppy REFUSES to pee outside


New member
My sweet girl arrived 4 days ago. She’s a 12 week old Cavalier King Charles. She’s so fun and sweet. She is as playful as she is chill and we love her so much already!

However, she’s having a very tough time with potty training. I have read a lot about it and so far have tried so many things and still nothing seems to work. She refuses to potty outside.

I take her outside right after waking up (pick her up and go straight outside), after eating, napping or playing. I stay for 30min-1hour and absolutely nothing. I walk her for 45min+, nope, no potty.

I have tried to take her outside and crate her if she doesn’t potty then try again after 10 minutes. Did that multiple times. Nope. It doesn’t work. She will hold the pee for over 5-7 hours and I don’t think it’s healthy for her.

The SECOND i put her down inside the house she’ll pee and poop even after staying outside for 20/30/50 min.

I’m at a loss. I am desperate. I don’t know what else to do.

Please give me hope and advice. 😭
@bubblypanda I bought a small interval timer and set it for 60 minutes. I restart it every time she pees. I leash her and walk her to the same spot and we stay there until she pees/poops
@bubblypanda Nope, I let her go on a patch of fake grass inside. It had puppy pads under it. I moved that pad outside and she went on that for a few days and then I moved it and she uses grass now.

Now she pees in that spot outside. She doesn't communicate well though, so if I don't take her out often she will run to the old pee pad spot and go pee.
@davidricca It depends on the puppy. Some can hold it longer than others.

I have a very stubborn, hard to train Bulldog (who is now 4 years old), and even as a puppy, he could hold it for hours. No one believed it at first. We had to drive 6 hours each way to pick him up at 8-weeks-old, and he slept almost the entire way home. We pulled over several times to try to get him to potty, and I think he only went once. He just wanted to sleep in the car.
@4theloveofgod1 You have to stay outside until she does. It may be frustrating at first but that's what you get with a puppy. She'll get it soon. King Cavs are very smart so it shouldn't take long. Play with her, walk her around the neighborhood and I guarantee you she'll go if you're outside for an hour or two because puppies can't hold it that long. Be glad you aren't trying to do this in the middle of winter with freezing temps and snow.

If you have other dogs in your neighborhood that all go to a certain pole or tree to pee on, walk her to that area and they usually figure it out once they smell all the other dogs.

I'm copying what I said in my previous comment to wipe up her accident urine with paper towels and put it outside where you want her to potty (use a rock or branch to hold the paper towels on the spot) so she knows that's supposed to be her spot.

Make sure you get cleaning products made for dog urine because if there's even the tiniest scent of urine inside the house, the dog will continue to go there.

Oh and don't use puppy potty pads because those can confuse some dogs and make them think they can only potty on the pads which are usually inside. I made that mistake and the potty pads just made it take longer for mine to learn. Once we took the pads away, he learned almost immediately.
@4theloveofgod1 Is outside boring? The only accidents we had inside was because inside was boring (when we were cooking for example) but outside we were playing/fun for her.

So I started taking a book into the yard with her and sitting in a lawn chair to ignore her (but secretly watch like a hawk) and then treat the hell out of her when she was bored enough to pee.

The walnut brain understood eventually lol. Good luck!
@mickyd1961 I would imagine the opposite. It sounds like this puppy hasn't received any potty training from the breeders and probably hasn't seen much of the outside world at all, so it's an overwhelming experience when they're outside that they're too caught up trying to process to even think to stop and pee. So, in that sense, your suggestion is sound. The puppy needs time to be outside without human interaction distractions to process and get used to this strange new place so it becomes normalized and then they'll be able to relax enough to potty.
@4theloveofgod1 frustrating! my pup is also picky, but i’ve found ONE area in our neighborhood with lots of smells (aka other dogs) so noticed she always pops a squat there. guess where we have to go EVERY WALKIES now, yup. but i’ve started carrying treats and after a week she’ll now do her business and sit waiting for a treat. patience and good luck
@4theloveofgod1 I had the exact same problem. My puppy was so used to go in the backyard when i got her she wouldnt do it in the street. Crated her every time she wouldnt go. Eventually she got it. You have to be ready with the food she enjoys the most and reward.

Its a big time commitment I had to take time off from work lol. Outdoors is very distracting to this day she prefers going number 2 in the alleyway.
@4theloveofgod1 I had a portable outdoor pen, it was eight sided plastic and I would drop my puppy in there and stay right there with her. She knew it was the potty place. You can get them on Chewy or Amazon. I would take her out every two hours, or when she started walking around in circles and sniffing the ground. This alot of work, it is hard, and it has only been 4 days. People are giving you good advice here, find a spot where dogs pee and take her there. It seems like it takes forever, but you will get there. I remember walking endlessly outside with her, but we got it done.
@4theloveofgod1 Okay, weird questions: does the grass touch her butt when she crouches?
2) Is she only peeing in one spot, like by the door, or behind a couch? Or on one surface like hard wood floors or carpet?

3)Are you scolding her when she pees in the house?

4)Are you standing in the same spot when she pees or are you letting her explore?

5) do you have enzymatic dog carpet cleaner spray stuff?
@joshcorn OMG! The grass touching her butt!!!! Totally forgot about that one! Our Caviler King Charles Spaniel WILL NOT go in the tall grass!!! Nothing must touch the butt!!!! We ended up training ours to potty in the gravel driveway.
@4theloveofgod1 You have had her for 4 days. She is scared and insecure. Dogs feel vulnerable when going potty, so inside the house is the only place where she feels safe enough to do it.

My dog did the same (she was a 4 month month old rescue). It took a lot of time and patience, but once she got it we never had an issue, She is now 2.

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