Puppy at home while I work, suggestions?


New member
I’m getting a mini Aussie pup in a couple of weeks, and I would like some insight on what to do when I’m away at the office for 8 hours. I am buying a puppy play pen as well as toys, but is there anything else I do to make my pup comfy and less destructive while I am away at work?

Note: she will be 3 months old when I get her.
@beachbum211 That’s a long time to leave a 3 month old puppy. The okay pen is great and you’ll have to accept that she’s going to have to potty inside since that’s way too long to hold it. In my experience young dogs shred up puppy pads but maybe someone else can make a suggestion to prevent that.

If you can’t come home for lunch to take care of puppy and give them a good walk and some play time you should hire a dog walker. In addition to that I like to set up kongs and puzzle toys for my dog while I’m gone. Just make sure it’s something that’s safe for them to play with unsupervised. I always have one for before the mid day walk and one for after.

You’ll also have to be very mindful to give them lots of attention and make sure they’re getting a lot of exercise in the afternoon when you get home. If puppy has that much time to sleep all day she’s really going to need exercise when you get home. I like to schedule out my evening to make sure I’m already planning on it. For example: 30 minute walk, 30-40 minute training session, hangout time while I cook dinner/clean house, then the rest of the evening is spent on 10-20 minute intervals of play time and rest time. Remember to make sure you’re giving her mental stimulation as well as physical exercise. Look into training with free shaping methods it’s fun for you to teach your dog things and great to let them figure out what the correct behaviors are.
@jag I was going to get a dog walker for the afternoon walk and some play time during the day. Maybe I can also put her into doggy daycare? Not sure about that yet since I haven’t found a decent daycare in my area. Thanks so much for the advice!
@beachbum211 Please get a dog walker and do doggy daycare…. She’s an Australian Shepherd…. They need to be busy! Please don’t leave her for 8 hours. She has to go to the bathroom too! Especially at 3 months.
@beachbum211 Doggy day care is a great idea but most won’t allow puppies that haven’t been fully vaccinated yet so you’ll really need the dog walker to start
@beachbum211 Your completley screwed, that's a high energy dog that requires training and constant directions to burn that built in work energy off. Locking her in a pen will create frustration and destructive negative behavior. They where bred to run in fields and work all day. Not sit In a crate for 8 hours doing nothing. Don't get this dog. Get some fish or a cat but your setting up for failure for the dog and yourself.
@gloriainexcelsisdeo Yes 100%. Even a hiring a dog walker and doggy day care isn’t close to enough to remedy this … Aussies are notoriously high energy and require a lot of attention and dedication. . .

Getting this dog and locking it up all day (w the exception of a walk mid day) is NOT enough physical and mental exercise/ stimulation to make for a happy pup… also most doggy daycares won’t take dogs until they have all of their vaccines (they won’t take any dog without all the vaccines) and are desexed .

OP you are setting this dog up for failure unfortunately… and in turn setting yourself up for a lot of headache and grief .

Maybe consider getting a cat or maybe even adopting an older dog (my elderly dog has been happy being a couch potato since she was like 5 , lol.. add a walk midday and maybe dog daycare a couple times a week and she would’ve been in heaven .. even more so now that she is 13).
@beachbum211 Hopefully you’ve gotten the hint, but I’ll pile on. Absolutely do not get an Aussie puppy if you’re going to be away for 8 hours. Regardless of how you’ll try to supplement the away time, it won’t matter. You’re only going to hurt your pup by having them develop severe separation anxiety or other bad behaviors, and hurt yourself by having to deal with the kind of pup it turns out to be in a year.
@beachbum211 Aussies are very similar to border collies, which I've always had, and being left for 8hrs a day from 3months is a recipe for disaster!

When is toilet training going to take place? Pups need to be taken out every 15-20 mins and extend that to make them learn to hold it.

When is basic training going to take place? This dog is going to do what it wants, when it wants because nobody has taught it any different.

What's going to happen when, through boredom at being left alone for 8hrs, the destruction starts?


You are already setting yourself up for a fail! And will be rehoming this pup within weeks!
@beachbum211 Yeah, I’m sorry to say it but I also am very concerned about this plan…it just doesn’t seem like you have the lifestyle necessary for a puppy, especially of that breed and that age.

You have a lifestyle that is much better suited to a cat…or if you insist on a dog, get one who is older and a less high energy breed.

I’m sorry for all these comments, but it’s important to be realistic about this stuff because if you’re not the consequences are really high and both you and your pet will seriously suffer….
@beachbum211 I know you really want that Aussie but seriously… don’t. Please think this through and do some research into that breed. Your lifestyle is not working for this kind of dog and I know it’s tempting.

A lot of people have said it now and I hope you take this serious.
@beachbum211 Honestly this sounds like an awful idea. Please please please just don't do this until you at LEAST find a good daycare. But even then, it is not the daycare's job to train your dog so you will still have to put in a lot of work when you get home and on the weekends.

Godspeed, spiderman.
@beachbum211 I’ll add to my previous comment. My partner and I got a 3 month old labradoodle at Christmas. She works from home and I was working night shift (Im working 9-5 from home as of this week). I cannot imagine leaving her for 8 hours every day. Considering the attention and care she needed while my partner was working from home and then during my normal sleeping hours and during my work hours, leaving for 8 hours a day would have been horrible on her, and she’s not even as high energy as an Aussie will be. Sounds like you just want an Aussie because they’re cute (totally get it, they’re adorable) but you you haven’t considered the lifestyle required to raise this high energy of a dog. PLEASE listen to everyone here and reconsider for your sanity and the dogs happiness. There are breeds who fit your lifestyle and there are quizzes that you can take online to help you choose. This is a bad idea, OP

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