Puppy at 6 weeks


New member
So our breeder gave us the option of taking our pup home at 6 weeks, we politely declined and the breeder has no problems waiting the 8 week mark. However, I called the vet I was planning on taking my future pup to and told her about the situation and she did not seem to think that was weird at all and that they get puppies at 6 weeks all the time.

All I’ve ever read is how irresponsible it is, so it worries me that my vet had no concerns about that. Should I find a new vet or am I being dramatic? It was just the receptionist not the actual vet but still. I want to make sure my future pup is in good hands and I want to be able to trust what they say. I think I’m being a helicopter mom already.
@parodyofjay Did the receptionist possibly mean they get puppies at 6 weeks for their first visit all the time while the pup is still with mom and littermates vs getting 6 week old pups that have been removed and sent home? I’m hoping maybe it was just a misunderstanding as 6 weeks is a common age for first checkup and vaccines.
@edso I think the fact that the breeder even offered to let a puppy go home at 6 weeks is far more concerning than a receptionist at the vets office saying they 6 week old pups a lot. But we don’t know exactly what was said on OP’s end or the vets office end. However one scenario leaves room for a misunderstanding or miscommunication where a breeder offering to let a pup go at 6 weeks is a pretty clear cut concerning situation
@tornado16 If i were in OP’s shoes, what I would have told the vet office was, “I am supposed to get a puppy from a breeder and they are offering to let me take the puppy home at 6 weeks. What is your opinion about that? Is that legal and safe? Should I be concerned about this breeder?” That’s how I’m picturing the call went and then the receptionist said, “oh yeah, that’s fine! We see 6 week puppies all the time.” That’s why this is so concerning to me.

I did a lot of research before getting my puppy though and continue to do so. PLUS, I let the vet know of any concerns. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Like if I said I was bringing in a 6 week old puppy, I would expect the place to ask if I’m a breeder? My vet’s office is amazing as well. The staff is knowledgeable and if they don’t know the answer, they let the vet know and the vet will respond directly. I do not see my vet’s office having a miscommunication like this. Because OP is concerned about her vet as well, makes it seem like some version of what I described happened. Like the vet’s office made it sound like they approved her bringing home a 6 week puppy
@edso I mean it’s nice to think the conversation went that way and that’s how I would have had it but since the OP seemed to have no concern with the breeder offering to let the pup for at 6 weeks and put all the focus on the vets office I’m going to say we don’t have the necessary info to make an informed opinion on the situation. Yes having a vet you trust is important and even the receptionists should be handling things appropriately. You don’t have to be a tech or vet to know 6 weeks is to young especially if you work in that environment. But again we don’t know how the conversation went and since OP seems to be practically defending the breeder and so willing to throw the vet staff under the proverbial bus raises some flags for me over clear communication between everyone. If the receptionist did in fact indicate bringing home a 6 week old puppy was ok then the vet should be made aware. Also another perspective (from someone who works in rescue and has handled phones at a rescues own clinic) I could also see if they thought the dog was already brought home early and had been separated maybe trying to make the OP feel somewhat better that their pup would be ok. Again not the most professional way to handle that but sometimes what’s done is done and telling someone on the phone how a decision that’s already been made was bad isn’t helping anymore. Which again plays into a misunderstanding situation.
@parodyofjay I honestly be wondering if I could trust my breeder if the breeder offered me my puppy up at 6 weeks.

I’d assume most reputable breeders would not even consider it.

I don’t think it’s that weird your vet says they get 6 week old puppies as a lot of mutts or rescue puppies are probably seen that young.

My puppy was dumped at a shelter all alone at 6 weeks, no Mom and no litter mates, so it does happen. It’s obviously not ideal and we likely dealt with the repercussions of that - i.e. a very mouthy puppy with no bite inhibition.

I just think your red flag should be on the breeder not the vet.

The receptionist is not a licensed vet or vet tech. She answers the phone, books appointments, handles payment, etc.
@jrm36 This just hurts my heart as it's clearly a super red flag on the breeder. There's enough sheltered dogs (yes there's pure bred shelter dogs too) that need a home. Yet people give all this money into a breeder who doesn't even know that the pup should be with mom till 8 weeks. Such a shame. I would never support that.
@parodyofjay I'd be more concerned about the breeder than the vet. The vet could still be knowledgeable on dog health problems even if they aren't aware that it's not good (and possibly illegal) to take a puppy before 8 weeks. But I wouldn't want to give money to a breeder willing to do that to their puppies.
@parodyofjay It is illegal in many states to sell a dog before 8 weeks of age. Those last two weeks are also very socially important for the puppies.

I'd honestly back out of even taking a dog if my breeder suggested that. Tells me they aren't really paying attention to best practices and may even be performing an illegal sale.

Cornell states between 8-12 weeks are the best ages to send to their new home: https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departm...nfo/how-long-should-puppies-stay-their-mother
@parodyofjay To be accurate, your vet didn't tell you that, a receptionist did. Lots of vet offices get 6 week old puppies for a wellness/shot/deworming check-up, so the receptionist could have meant that. Like others, I would not purchase a dog from a breeder letting them go home at 6 weeks. They don't have the dog's best interests in mind.
@parodyofjay The vet? lol. The vets job is to help ALL animals. The real villain here is your breeder. I’d run from that breeder. Any breeder getting rid of pups at 6 weeks is looking out for their wallet - not you nor your pups well being
@readyforwhatcomes Ya, its not the vet/reception's job to judge people on age. They should professionally provide care even for unethically bred puppies regardless.

Some puppies are dumped very young and many breeders take them in for health checks early.

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